Dementia in Soccer


See Johnny Sexton.

As a soccer man, you need to stop lashing out and reflect on the problems in your own sport and how this barbaric practice of heading is still allowed, with all the horrific attendant consequences that it brings.

What are the stats pal? What percentage of pro soccer players have gotten dementia? Or are you just throwing out anecdotal evidence?

yes, its a misconception that they are lighter now

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there is a push in England for better protocols in place such as limited use of heading in training & HIAs - FIFA need to step up imho

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Jaysus, a belt of an ould hard, wet Mitre would leave the ears ringing back in the day.

I was an absolutely atrocious soccer player but could head it so played a fair bit at centre half. Often went home to bed for the afternoon with a splitting headache after heading maybe 10 or 12 long kick outs from the other keeper.

Couldnā€™t be good for you.

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Teams ā€œtargetā€ specific players in both football and rugby. The main difference is that in rugby the intention of ā€œtargetingā€ is go out an deliberately physically injure, maim or disable a player on the other team

I actively avoid heading the ball in O35ā€™s. Probably because Iā€™m shit at it.


rugby from what i see is becoming a ā€œsportā€ ahem, where contact is now encouraged instead of to be avoidedā€¦long term and i say this with the best of intentions i do worry about its participation level and if parents will encourage kids to get involved

the sexton situation is dreadful opticsā€¦
christ almighty the man looked in rag order a few times

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@ChairmanDan sad to see what could have been a good discussion just veer straight off into whataboutery here

Lads just obsessed with the rubby

@ChairmanDan what is the HIA protocols like in soccer?


Wagons are being circled

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Yes, the rugby haters have created numerous anti-rugby threads on the forum to vent their spleen on rugby, but instead insist on spamming their anti-rugby agenda on this soccer discussion.

@Thomas_Brady leading the charge as usual on that front. For someone who hails from rugby central, Limerick, the capital of rugby in Ireland, @Thomas_Brady has an awful chip on his shoulder about rugby.


I still think Van Persieā€™s headed goal against Spain in 2014 is one of the greatest ever moments of audacious skill in sport Iā€™ve ever seen. A wonderfully inventive, balletic and poetic moment that only a sport like football could give.

Our rugby in Limerick was built on that chip on the shoulder. Itā€™s the bedrock of competition. Could do with a but more of a rebirth of it and marry it to the boom in skills.

Iā€™m not a soccer man. Soccer men like @mickee321 or @Thomas_Brady would be better placed Iā€™d imagine to answer your query on HIA concussion protocols in soccer.

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You would have to admire the soccer crowd, they recognised the problem and now the coaches most respected in the game insist the ball is played with the feet rather than the head. Dinosaurs like Sean Dyche, using the skull of some big lump of a centreforward to bounce the ball off are being driven out of the game by lads like Guardiola and Klopp who refuse to use a centreforward at all.
As it has been brought up here already its interesting that in rugby itā€™s the exact opposite, Schmidtball is considered to be the pinnacle of coaching where every lad has to use his head as a battering ram. Itā€™s no wonder soccer is played worldwide and rugby is restricted to around a few old RAF bases.

Still no sign of the soccer crew posting up those HIA concussion protocols in soccer you were looking for @gilgamboa. Too busy ranting and raving about rugby on a dedicated soccer thread.


Youā€™re some dose. You couldnā€™t possibly have any friends outside your immediate family.

A link to the protocols would do Iā€™d research then myself