Dementia in Soccer

Only ban heading outside the box?
I’d never considered it till recently but you’d lose fuck all getting rid of them

it’s not allowed under 12 , mode of operation is ref should tell players not allowed but you can’t stop it, ref can stop the game

Make headerererering a red card offence. Problem solved. You’re welcome.

In the box only won’t work… Headers from set pieces only maybe… corners / frees / goal kicks etc and anywhere on the park. Might only reduce it by 25% but it would be a good start I suppose.

It’s kind of gone like that anyway man, nobody launches the ball from the back anymore, the only time it’s really headed is from set pieces

dont head the ball in training is the big one being pushed

Lads, if we ban heading it will just drive the practice on to the black market.

Exactly. We’re 90% of the way there.

it’ll become like basketball - non contact

It’s there already. Tho refs have let a little bit more physical contact go this year… Pro football is half pantomime these days.

LOI refs have let more go?

The fans of the Superclubs only watch their franchises play against each other and think this translates to the whole world. Dementia is an issue throughout football, not just lads that play in the EPL

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Yes, you would wonder if refs in Vietnam are letting more things go this year or is @Thomas_Brady sole understanding of football is that of an Englishman

What are you shitting about? There was high praise for the ‘let it flow’ stance of refs during the euros and this has translated into club football this season. You wouldn’t watch a LOI match if it was on in your back garden but you’ll get all high and mighty about Getafe v Rayo Vallecano… You’re a bigger cunt than any super franchise fan as you try and dress yourself up as a high brow supporter of the game but you’re really just a gee bag like everyone else.


Iv had the misfortune of being dragged along to a couple of intermediate league games here in recent weeks - Id say a centre half at that level heads the ball more often in a season than a pro would in his career. You could have nothing but sympathy for the ball at the end of a game due to the abuse it takes, its endless hoofs and headers. Banning headers outside the box could be of big benefit to the players health and the spectacle.

The only football I watch these days are Ireland internationals mate. I never claimed to be a high brow supporter. You’re listening to the English lad from Carlow too much

Yeah they aren’t training every day of the week or playing 60 games a season which kind of offsets it for them.

Taking away headers completely changes the sport. Youd have zero need of big awkward lads like Shane Duffy

Wim the Tim
