Diet & Nutrition

Whack the chicken into an omelette, kid… couple of other veggies etc.

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Put it in a bit if sourdough with hot sauce and melt a bit f cheese into it

Make a salad. Avocado and tomatoes and feta and spinach and maybe some nuts.

Not that it matters anyway since every two beers you drink is about 300 calories of carbs so it’s not as if a bit of bread or pasta or spud will make any difference to you, you big fatty fat.

Just twigged this on a packet of fruit pastilles I was consuming.

7 sweets = 1 serving. There are 14 sweets in a packet. Who the fucks eats half a packet of pastilles. Why sell them in 14s if 7 is a serving. Why not sell packets of 7 for people who want only one serving.

Jaysus Fagan nearly all food companies do this to make their calories and sugars and whatnot seem smaller to the casual observer. Some of the frozen pizza companies will even put up numbers for what 1/4 of a pizza contains as if anyone has ever eaten 1/4 of a pizza.

@KinvarasPassion how are your salivary cortisol levels these days?

Could be better I’d say… drinking too much coffee don’t help. Can you test them yourself?

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Down to 77kg now lads - going to try and stick to that - but I still have a pair of god awful love handles. How to get rid of them? Googling suggests its almost all about diet? Any exercises?

diet, this is where the real discipline kicks in, do you really want it?

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I’m after lashing on a couple of trays of this, can’t wait to sample the finished product pal

I’m nearly finished my second batch of @ironmoth’s original recipe with a few modifications for my own taste, I’ve begun mixing one Weetabix through to give it a more pleasing consistency for myself,
I might chance this one next time as it seems less labour intensive.

The exact reason why i chose the @ChocolateMice version.

What’s the @ironmoth version like?

I’d say there’s not a huge difference, oatflakes are the main ingredient obviously, it’s got lots of nuts and I’ve added quite a bit of dried fruits, I added macadamia’s pine nuts and walnuts as well as some blueberries and dried pineapple. I usually chop a banana in with it, keeps me going from about 7am to lunchtime.

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Tray 1

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Tray 2

That’s some serious toasting there pal! :thumbsup:

Did you use regular oats or jumbo oats? Looks like regular. Also, I see cashews in there. Very interested to hear how it tastes.

Did you see the modified recipe I posted with the citrus zest? Best batch I’ve ever made.

Try the modified one.

Is that kitty litter?


Regular oats, toasted cashews, chestnuts and almonds are fantastic.

I haven’t seen your citrus zest recipe, could you post a link to it here please