Diet & Nutrition

Oh right. It’s more of a thickener for me, I’d want the berries or occasionally mango to be the main flavour.

Great for your little general and his accompanying lieutenants-

It’s great for circulation in general and lowers blood pressure, full of fibre, aids in the process of weight loss by killing craving for sweet things and reduces cholesterol, hydrates you, has a number of vitamin Bs, magnesium, iron…

It is also good for people who suffer from stress, as it helps the nervous system which helps keep one calm and in turn can also help with insomnia. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, and can help with things like arthritis, gout or even asthma.

You can’t afford not to eat celery! You too @farmerinthecity
Fuck the taste- whack it into a curry or stew or whatever- but you lads are pushing on and can’t afford not to be eating something so natural and so beneficial to all aspects of your physical health.

You make a good case for celery CM. won’t be putting it in curries or anything as I dislike the taste and it will ruin the meals for me. But I might load it up with peanut butter and eat that as I’ve seen suggested before.

up since 6-45 am
i have consumed

0.5L water
1 cheese sandwich with tomatoe
a few grapes
a small bit of water melon ( red)
a bit of a mango or something or other

ill try and go fot lunch in a while

im going trianing with yer man again later so ive no idea what we have lined up
last night i did this thing on the threadmill

5 min warm up

6 mins 12.5km/hr
1 min walk
repeated the above dose 5 times
was pumping sweat after and doing this but wasnt really sure if i was necessarily tired or not
afterwards i at meatballs in red sauce, rice and had a can of wifebeater

up since 6-45 am
i have consumed

0.5L water
1 cheese sandwich with tomatoe
a few grapes
a small bit of water melon ( red)
a bit of a mango or something or other

ill try and go fot lunch in a while

im going trianing with yer man again later so ive no idea what we have lined up
last night i did this thing on the threadmill

5 min warm up

6 mins 12.5km/hr
1 min walk
repeated the above dose 5 times
was pumping sweat after and doing this but wasnt really sure if i was necessarily tired or not
afterwards i at meatballs in red sauce, rice and had a can of wifebeater

Just get it into you some way, pal. Anyone involved in any form of physical activity should be eating it.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 789337, member: 367”]12pm
up since 6-45 am
i have consumed

0.5L water
1 cheese sandwich with tomatoe
a few grapes
a small bit of water melon ( red)
a bit of a mango or something or other

ill try and go fot lunch in a while

im going trianing with yer man again later so ive no idea what we have lined up
last night i did this thing on the threadmill

5 min warm up

6 mins 12.5km/hr
1 min walk
repeated the above dose 5 times
was pumping sweat after and doing this but wasnt really sure if i was necessarily tired or not
afterwards i at meatballs in red sauce, rice and had a can of wifebeater[/quote]

Hows the dehyration these days?

I dislike celery. I only use it as a base in soup.

Liking it is besides the point.

You’ve me convinced anyway CM-I’ll try to sneak into a meal unbeknownst to myself and come back to you and let you know how I get on.

Fine. But I’d better notice a substantial increase in awesomeness levels.

I dunno if ChocolateMice has a bigger horn for his ladyfriend or celery.

Oxtail Soup lads, is it any good for you?

[quote=“carryharry, post: 789372, member: 1517”]I dunno if ChocolateMice has a bigger horn for his ladyfriend or celery.

Oxtail Soup lads, is it any good for you?[/quote]

The shit out of the knorr packets?
I doubt it.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 789373, member: 181”]The shit out of the knorr packets?
I doubt it.[/quote]
Homemade or packets?

I love the stuff laced with pepper.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 789372, member: 1517”]I dunno if ChocolateMice has a bigger horn for his ladyfriend or celery.

Oxtail Soup lads, is it any good for you?[/quote]

You are obsessed with my horn !

Beep beep.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 789376, member: 1517”]Homemade or packets?

I love the stuff laced with pepper.[/quote]

Pure Piss Harry.

I would even venture to say that some of the cheaper brands would have some MSG fcuked into the mix.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 789385, member: 686”]Pure Piss Harry.

I would even venture to say that some of the cheaper brands would have some MSG fcuked into the mix.[/quote]

Better MSG than MGG o_O

Packet soup is woeful stuff altogether. I’d be far too heavy on salt for my own good but even that stuff is too salty for me. Cant bate a pot of homemade soup. It’s not really summer food though is it?

i had some white bread sambos at lunch there ( the were free, normally wouldnt touch whitebread) well i am now bloated out the fookin ying yang, fuck you white bread, fuck you very much…