Diet & Nutrition

did the dog on it there at lunch time,
went offsite for lunch with 2 of the Arab lads, as we left the site past the guard of four israeli soldiers and tore cross country in a black BMW with blackned windows with the radio blaring some shite in arabic east towards hebron ( only 15 mins from work) the thought of brian keenan and John maccarthy did cross my mind.
anyway, its good to get out of the caferteria and these lads know the best places

we consumed,
shwarma made from turkey in a footlong crispy roll, in the roll there was hummus, some god awful spicy hareef, some form of pickles and some tomatoe salad
on the side chips and the lads took a portion of these green peppers that they fired down that nearly caused my mouth to burn
washed it down with a load of coke

cant fking wait for training later, im firing on all cylinders after that,
there’s a lot of truth in what Shane Warne said in that you need something good in your stomach for lunch and not some shite like salad, im raring to go here now

The Runt

1 apple cut peeled, cored and cut in pieces
1 thai mango peeled and cut in pieces
10 frozen strawberries
1 ½ cup almond milk
4 tbsp non fat yogurt


Whizz all the ingredients together in a blender to make a smoothie.
Makes 3 glasses of smoothie.

Nutritional Info per serving:
Calories : 179
Fat: 2 gr
Protein: 6 gr
Carbs: 15 gr[/B]

ChocolateMice. I have been attending a gym lately for the sole purpose of bulking up the muscles around the knees for the sole purpose of assisting with the recovery from very serious knee surgery that I am due to undergo in October.

Is there anything diet or supplement wise I can do to assist with this bulking up process?

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 796051, member: 706”]ChocolateMice. I have been attending a gym lately for the sole purpose of bulking up the muscles around the knees for the sole purpose of assisting with the recovery from very serious knee surgery that I am due to undergo in October.

Is there anything diet or supplement wise I can do to assist with this bulking up process?[/quote]

Have you been told to do this or is it off your own back? I’d give you the same advice i’d give anyone, lean protein - plenty of oily fish, some red meat and chicken. Eggs and low fat yogurts etc But get on the dark green veggies also, but, if you read this thread recently you will have read me banging on about celery, get this into you. Besides all the vitamins, it’s great for blood flow in general which will help reduce stress you’ve put on the body and it’s also an anti inflammatory which will also help the area recover after a good workout. It’s full of all round healing properties so i’d ecpecially recommend it post op. Also, if you don’t take the supplememnt glucosamine do, will help the joints greatly.

ChocolateMice. Thanks for that. Ive been advised to do this by the medical team and I am being overseen by a physio. I can’t eat eggs (they repulse me). I’m way past glucosamine as a solution. The surgeon kind of smiled when I asked him about it. I have basically no cartilage in either knee.

A general weights program will do you good, you’ll build up strength and some testosterone and eating right will aid this. Rest is also very important, don’t over do it.

Yeah, funny enough I used to detest the cunts that went to gyms, but even the little bit I’m doing, I feel much better for it and I’m way less stressed.

I still detest the cunts who frequent gyms, mind, but I now understand why they do it.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 796117, member: 706”]Yeah, funny enough I used to detest the cunts that went to gyms, but even the little bit I’m doing, I feel much better for it and I’m way less stressed.

I still detest the cunts who frequent gyms, mind, but I now understand why they do it.[/quote]
I know a guy over 60 who was told 3 years ago he needed two knee replacements. He decided duck that and went back to power lifting. Problems cleared up and he a won a European championship recently.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 796117, member: 706”]Yeah, funny enough I used to detest the cunts that went to gyms, but even the little bit I’m doing, I feel much better for it and I’m way less stressed.

I still detest the cunts who frequent gyms, mind, but I now understand why they do it.[/quote]

Fagan - I just remembered. You didn’t happen to be in Tower Records last Wednesday at around 5.45? I saw an older gentleman checking out a Pavement CD.

I’ve gone completely cold turkey on crisps and chocolate since Monday. I expect to be in a pure cuntish humour come the weekend.

Any nice tasting healthyish snacks anyone can recommend to satisfy my sweet tooth?

[quote=“Mac, post: 796133, member: 109”]I’ve gone completely cold turkey on crisps and chocolate since Monday. I expect to be in a pure cuntish humour come the weekend.

Any nice tasting healthyish snacks anyone can recommend to satisfy my sweet tooth?[/quote]

Fistfull of Almonds with a few squares of 70% Dark Chocolate.

[quote=“Mac, post: 796133, member: 109”]I’ve gone completely cold turkey on crisps and chocolate since Monday. I expect to be in a pure cuntish humour come the weekend.

Any nice tasting healthyish snacks anyone can recommend to satisfy my sweet tooth?[/quote]
Peanut butter and jam.

[quote=“Mac, post: 796133, member: 109”]I’ve gone completely cold turkey on crisps and chocolate since Monday. I expect to be in a pure cuntish humour come the weekend.

Any nice tasting healthyish snacks anyone can recommend to satisfy my sweet tooth?[/quote]

Had a touch of a cold Monday and Tuesday so prompted me to do a ‘mac’ on it and binge on crisps and chocolate…slow cathartic 10k tonight slowly coming around…

Almonds seem to be laced with calories and shit for a small portion. Is it just that their full of ‘good fat’? Have seen you mention the 70% dark chocolate before. What’s the difference with it?

On what?

Sorry to hear that mate. I had a lovely cycle up around Howth this evening. Gorgeous evening for it. I will confess at looking out for an elderly man with a dodgy knee.

[quote=“Mac, post: 796170, member: 109”]Almonds seem to be laced with calories and shit for a small portion. Is it just that their full of ‘good fat’? Have seen you mention the 70% dark chocolate before. What’s the difference with it?

On what?[/quote]

PB&J on rice or corn or oat cakes if you want to be healthy about it. or go even more healthy and use almond butter.

You’re not gonna get fat eating unroasted almonds, nevermind the calories.

Less sugar in 70% and less ‘cheap’ ingredients in general.

Almonds contain no saturated fat, high in protein and calcium. One of the superfoods in my opinion.

Google them for more info…

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 796180, member: 686”]Less sugar in 70% and less ‘cheap’ ingredients in general.

Almonds contain no saturated fat, high in protein and calcium. One of the superfoods in my opinion.

Google them for more info…[/quote]

I don’t need Google, I trust my TFK brethren. How do they stack up with Hazelnuts for example?

Here, I’ve started using one of these calorie counting apps and according to it I’m over my recommended daily allowance of sugar after breakfast, which consists of a chopped apple, a chopped orange and a pot of fat free yoghurt. Are fruits that high in sugar?

Not great, I find it very difficult to stack anything on hazelnuts. You might be able to stack a hazelnut or two on top of the almonds, but I don’t really see how it will help your diet

No farmer sorry. I see poor old Brian from Comet Records works in Tower now.