Diet & Nutrition

The skinny old lad with the bleached red hair?

No idea… pass

[quote=“Mac, post: 796170, member: 109”]Almonds seem to be laced with calories and shit for a small portion. Is it just that their full of ‘good fat’? Have seen you mention the 70% dark chocolate before. What’s the difference with it?

On what?

Sorry to hear that mate. I had a lovely cycle up around Howth this evening. Gorgeous evening for it. I will confess at looking out for an elderly man with a dodgy knee.[/quote]

It was a belter, I ran along by the sea from bull island to Fairview and back up to the gaf, came close to drowning in my own sweat…

I may have been one of the many cyclists who passed you either on the way out or the way back. One of the nicest cycles in Dublin.

Google says Almonds. It also says that soaking almonds in water overnight doubles their nutritional value as they start to sprout.

Christ almighty, no wonder the forums heavyweights have left this place. Fran talking about almonds is a new low:mad:

We’ve matured as a forum mate.

CM " fucked a bird in the ass as she poured cider on herself"
Mac"soaking almonds in water adds to their nutritional value"

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 796225, member: 80”]CM " fucked a bird in the ass as she poured cider on herself"
Mac"soaking almonds in water adds to their nutritional value"[/quote]

I remember a time I’d rise to your bait, how times have changed.

The Franification of Mac continues

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 796225, member: 80”]CM " fucked a bird in the ass as she poured cider on herself"
Mac"soaking almonds in water adds to their nutritional value"[/quote]



Why so testy today mate? Has the Zayed signing upset you?

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 796225, member: 80”]CM " fucked a bird in the ass as she poured cider on herself"
Mac"soaking almonds in water adds to their nutritional value"[/quote]

Ah that’s fucking superb.


Is it red now? He used to be the guitarist with the Gorehounds. He was a great man to source an obscure record back in the day.

I thought I saw him before but thought it was in Freebird. I seem him around where I live. Perhaps the 3 of us could go for a pint some day - maybe invite Tony Dorigo along?

Yeah farmer, that’s definitely the guy who used to run Comet.


ChocolateMice did you just pull that off facebook??

Perhaps :cool: