Diet & Nutrition

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 797035, member: 686”]I certainly wouldn’t underestimate its impact.

Going deep down to the crevices of mind and shutting out the many intrusions in todays world can only make you a better person.[/quote]


A fresh start and still all you want to know about is my mickey! If you really want to know more about it I suggest you go check out your girlfriend’s arsehole, the stretch mark’s I left from mining her shaft should still be etched on it like those early caveman paintings that still linger on today in caves in France and Spain.



I’m a single man pal, the trail of broken women left in your wake in years past are beneath my radar, god help them. This is about more than your mickey. The low sex drive, the mood swings, the multiple personality disorder, these things aren’t going to be cured by celery pal.

Rents, any view on celeriac?

Did you have it in the 51 yesterday? Chef had brushed it in orange pepper and it was magnificent.

I did.

Mark Renton, should I limit my intake of strawberries? Are they a particularly sugary fruit, Rents?

Go nuts while they are in season. I wouldn’t deny any wexican that pleasure.

Great stuff. I’ve been having a 250g punnet every day for the last month.

I had the most beautiful strawberries ever yesterday. This is the season for strawberries

Why didn’t Wexicans eat strawberries during the famine mate?


I am going to give this intermittent fasting a go. The heat has knocked the hunger out of me anyway so its as good a time as any to start.

Its nearly 10am and I have eaten nothing since 7pm yesterday…

Questions for Renton and WCB…

When should I eat next, how much should I eat?

I was planning eating a banana and a cup full of almonds at 11.30 followed by a good dinner at lunchtime.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 799148, member: 686”]I am going to give this intermittent fasting a go. The heat has knocked the hunger out of me anyway so its as good a time as any to start.

Its nearly 10am and I have eaten nothing since 7pm yesterday…

Questions for Renton and WCB…

When should I eat next, how much should I eat?

I was planning eating a banana and a cup full of almonds at 11.30 followed by a good dinner at lunchtime.[/quote]

stay within the calories limit for lunch and then hold off to dinner

you can eat when you want but stay within the limits

Ill pm you 1 book on it, im trying to get the books with the recipes though which would be better

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Fasting questions[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Will I be hungry for 24 hours?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]No. The hunger comes in waves rather than being a constant craving. The hunger can tend to get stronger near the end of the fast but you get used to this with practice.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]How much can I eat on my fasting days?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Anything that adds up to 500/600 (women/men) calories. Be aware that eating food high in refined sugar will likely lead to more cravings later in the day when you come down from the sugar high.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Do I have leave 24 hours before eating again?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]No. I do it that way but in the [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]5[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]:2 diet you can eat at any time on your fast day as long as you stick to the 500/600 calories.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]What can I eat on my eating days?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Anything you want. The thing to remember is the obvious fact that the more you eat the more weight you are likely to put on. The weight loss comes from the fast days so it’s possible that you might eat a large amount on your eating days and cancel out the drop in weight. This is usually eating much more than your normal daily calorific intake.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Can I exercise on a fast?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Yes. But what kind of exercise you do and how much you do are important factors to consider. Take it easy at first to find your limits. I like to train just before my last meal before going on the fast or at the very end of the fast where I can then give my body the nutrient supply I feel would be beneficial. I’m not sure if it’s essential but that’s the way I do it.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]What kind of exercise is best on a fast?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]I’ve read that the best kinds of exercise are either doing walking or short burst, high intensity training such as stop/start sprinting or weight training. Again, this is up to the individual and what they prefer and what works for them.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]What can I drink on a fast?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Anything with zero or near to zero calories. Any sugary drinks or even milky drinks will have a calorie count and make up part of your fast day calories. Because I do a fast for 24 hours then I don’t take any calories at all in that time. So black coffee/tea, water, diet drinks etc. Water is obviously the healthier choice.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]What would a typical 5:2 diet consist of?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]You pick [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]2[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana] days during the week to fast, preferably not back to back. On the fast days you only eat 600 calories. You can eat this at any time during the day, for instance, one meal of 600 at lunch time or maybe 300 at breakfast and 300 at dinner time. The idea is to only eat 600 on the fast day.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]What about the 24 hour fasting?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]This is where you don’t eat for 24 hours. It’s that simple. Whatever time you stop eating to go on the fast will be the exact same time you have your first meal the next day. If you stop at 6pm then you don’t eat till 6pm the next day. Noon till noon. Midnight to midnight. It’s your choice.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]Are the 5:2 diet and 24 hour fasting the same routine?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]No, although you can incorporate both into the same lifestyle practice. In the [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]5[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=13px][FONT=verdana]:2 diet you don’t have to wait 24 hours and can have your 600 calorie meal at any time. Leaving 24 hours has extra potential benefits and is outlined in the book Eat Stop Eat[/FONT][/SIZE]

Thanks mate

Is this 5/2 diet not a different thing to Mark Renton’s intermittent fasting thing? I thought Marks thing was two meals a day every day as opposed to this.

fuck off

Stop drinking alcohol, watch the fat levels drop. If you take any sugary drinks stop drinking these as well. Liquid sugar is the biggest gut creator.