Direct Provision

whats the questionable optics?

No it’s happening. The Greens have set their stall out on this. It is a great day for Ireland. We have been allowing this inhumane state of affairs for too long now


some people hate democracy

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A equitable and progressive Ireland is genuinely scary for some lads

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Inhumane yes,also unfair to those on the housing list ,no ifs or buts,ref greens then cunts will join the ranks of Labour,PDs, and other nonentities

So you’ve not read anything on this clearly. The White Paper is around the Direct Provision system and making that into a more human experience. The White Paper sets out its expectations for improvements in the Department of Justice including process, resource and financial improvements. It is a widespread overhaul of processes in a number of departments including Children and Equality,Justice, Health and Social Welfare

I know you probably think government is a single entity. It’s not. I know you probably thought direct provision was the blanket name for processing applications. It’s not. This is a white paper for an end to direct provision. The Dept of Justice is running a separate review of the asylum application process. Tying the two reviews together would be a great way of ensuring neither happened.

I’m not a party. You’re correct on that.


mixed messaging there mate


Sounds like complete waffle.

And you can’t even attempt to answer how they are going to offer the housing options they promised today in their white paper. It’s a real world answer, bricks and land, not the horseshit you’ve posted above. I understand if you want to keep avoiding it.

Daire O Brien will figure it out

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I work in this area and will be making absolutely no comment on this development

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re just stupid rather than ignorant and stupid.

I answered your processing times question that you claimed was the big burning issue.

I answered the housing question previously and reminded you of that already.

You don’t understand the problems or the proposed solution. You just understand you don’t like people who aren’t like you.

The veil to hide your xenophobia is gossamer thin. Objecting to all forms of human rights progress is the mark of an insecure racist.



I said slightly questionable optics. Strictly speaking if the government actually fulfilled these promises, which it clearly won’t, the quickest way an Irish person on the housing list could get a house would be to fly to Albania, rip up their Irish passport and fly back home again. I’d say those are slightly questionable optics.

I used to do ablot if work for one if the big homeless charities in Dublin. The amount of fucking moany homeless people whining about foreigners coming into the country and getting benefits while those lads were one the streets. And I’ve just got to stand and listen to it because the lads are in pain and need to unload. Now it’s going to be fucking insufferable.

I’m sure you must know that’s not the case.

It’s shite for all either homeless,DP or on the bloody housing list for years
Undoubtedly lots on the list are scamming,but by fuck claiming asylum from fuckin Albania FFS


You didn’t answer the housing question at all, and the answer to the processing times was that it’s being reviewed, so the same horseshit that’s ultimately all that’s ever going to come out of your fantastic victory today.

But celebrate your little signalling success, don’t worry that all it lead to is committees and then enquiries as to why it could never work. If your joke of a party were serious about helping people they’d have drafted a concrete proposal with timed measurable parameters. But they just want the retweets.

You are a fool from north Dublin with no concept of reality and notions of intellect and decency when you have never shown either in real life. Just like to talk yourself up.

Ps stop constantly logging me out there, I know it’s easier than answering any questions I have but it’s a bit petty

OK you didn’t see the housing answer or didn’t understand it.

You’re throwing as many objections at this as you can in the hope one might stick. Your “concerns” are shifting rapidly. And that’s very helpful. Because it marks your card as a disgusting racist, and not someone with any genuine concerns.

The same lad who was so deeply concerned for the welfare of the cops during the BLM protests in the summer. Always on the same side of every argument. Everyone’s a snowflake. Everyone’s virtue signalling. Objecting to any form of equality with spurious arguments. A grown man so horribly destroyed by his own insecurities he can’t see the good in humanity.

I’ve never shown any decency in real life? Do yourself a favour and fuck off away from here if you’re so put out by this caricature of me you’ve created for yourself. I didn’t create this place to create a platform for a racist asshole. You’re here because I’ve tolerated your pathetic existence for as long as I have. Your right to attack my character is non existent. That’s a concept that should be very understandable to someone with your worldview.

PS I haven’t “logged you out” of anywhere. You were suspended before if that’s your reference. I’d suggest your paranoia might be getting the better of you.

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This is remarkably similar to something your hero Ewan would write. Abusive, spiteful and incoherent.


Yeah you haven’t answered the housing question at all. But you keep screaming racist at me over and over to cover for that. That’s ok. I’m sure I’m the only one who’s ever made a racist joke on this site, it’s not like you tolerate it in others who follow your political views. You’re a nasty enough individual, that’s why I find the holier than thou hypocrisy hilarious. I didn’t engage with you on this thread you jumped straight in and can’t even defend your argument so have had to resort to name calling early. I have no interest in anyone from the IFSC brigade, I want to talk about gaa and NFL and other things with the decent funny posters on this site. You’re not one of them, so put me on ignore and I’ll do likewise, I’ve no interest in engaging with you on anything.