Directions From Dublin Airport

Temporary blip? The place is a kip.

No, Manchester airport is a kip. Dublin is nowhere near yet.

Stone useless

Some serious brainstorming overnight to come up with a PowerPoint to present tomorrow morning. The DAA are welcome to mine this thread for ideas.

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Shower of useless cunts

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Media guy from DAA on DriveTime there.

Basically said he didn’t know what caused the delays over the weekend and couldn’t point to anything new that would be done to fix things.

Also he had this nasty habit of trying to portray the DAA as a victim.


Sounds like an acolyte of terry crone

They were blaming airlines earlier A scheduling all their flights at the same time. You couldn’t make it up

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Even Stephen Nolan’s radio show today was about Dublin airport, face palms all round. One lad from Down is down thousands after missing family flight to board a cruise. Said he was stuck on a lift for 15 mins not moving after getting thru 2 queues of well over an hour each. Arrived at gate to see plane taxiing away.

What a national embarrassment

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As far from a victim as you could imagine. Greedy cunts who are reaping what they’ve sewn for the last few years. Corners being cut everywhere. Them queues for security are only the tip of the iceberg. Cleaning is gone to hell. The baggage situation there is almost worse than the security one, but it’s not on camera

That said they are making me look like a queue managing genius so far this summer


Sure all you had to do was turn on the machines for a change


I don’t know how to turn them off

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When in doubt plug them out at the wall.

Glitch in the payroll system means staff not getting paid for overtime so are not volunteering for it. This company is some shitshow in fairness.

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That’s piss poor if the case. How long could they have this ‘glitch’ without getting it sorted.
Anyway, you would imagine that they could still collect the hours and process them manually until it gets resolved.

They outsource their payroll to a major international company. That company got wiped out with Ransomware at the end of last year.

Since December 2021 ffs.

Of course they could. Amateur hour.

There are any number of providers of this in Ireland, surely that is a breach of a SLA and they could just go elsewhere?

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Can’t get a flight, can’t get a hotel, can’t buy a house… And if you’re lucky, you can afford a happy meal.

Ireland 2022 :clap: