Directions From Dublin Airport

Flight pricing has jumped in price by 80% + I assume?

I think that’s the joke. It’s a photo of Schipol


Schiphol is my favourite airport. Off the plane, into that magnificent main concourse, down the escalator to the train, and Europe is your oyster.


As airports go its brilliant. Proof that public transport and layout of an airport can work

Deary me


Mate, maybe you can help.

Airline fares, I presume prices have rocketed?

Ah so it is. Bigger fool me. Again

I blame the distraction of potty training on going here. I’m getting there however

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Yes, i think with everyone wanting to go on holidays and the rise in fuel prices they would have gone up. Are your kids in school, a lot cheaper in sept

I won’t be flying. Holidaying on my own island

Just hope inflation has been equally dispersed across all sectors.

Airline fuel produces as much emissions as Petrol or Home heating oil.

Airports seem very busy so I was wondering had prices increased inline with actual everyday living Costs is all

I think airline hesge when buying fuel but peak laod pricing comes into play if everyone wants to fly

Aka fuck the common guy

You know you are in a proper country when you are getting into a two-storey train.

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No idea. I’m hearing they have but I flew to NY for half nothing there a few weeks ago.

@Batigol mentioned this about 3 weeks ago, the media only catching up now

You’d want your head examined to fly out of Dublin


They were having their own problems too only a couple of weeks back.
Threatened strike action was averted.

Thankfully I have all my planned travelling out of the way for the year. Hopefully I won’t have to darken the door of the place until they get it sorted.

Most airports are mental at the minute

I’ve a long layover there at the end of the month. I was tempted to take the train into town for a few hours but reading about some of the stuff there lately, it won’t be worth the stress.

Theres a restaurant in the airport there that did the best ribs I’ve had outside the States. Must get the name of it for you but was fucking outstanding when there a couple weeks back.

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