Directions From Dublin Airport

Seems par for the course these days. Flew to Prague a few months ago and they had us sat on the tarmac for over an hour whilst they made last minute checks like ensuring the plane had an adequate amount of wings and that kind of thing.

The ambience amongst the passengers was “boisterous” before anyone even stepped on board; there were fellas clambering over seats in the rush for the jacks when they announced they were going to open them for 15 minutes.

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They are some cunts to put you on the plane and they knowing you aren’t going anywhere.

We got caught with a young baby a few years back, the nap timed for the flight etc. Onto the plane, doors locked, announcement, oh by the way because the French are on strike we have no slot for the next two hours, but we are going to sit here just in case one opens. Needless to say it didn’t


That would drive you absolutely demented. Although sitting in T1 for two hours is only marginally better than sitting in a plane for two hours at the moment.

Anyone with recent experience coming back through T1 waiting on baggage, what sort of carnage can you expect with Ryanair?

Are you buying or selling?

Just heard of a friend’s family member who got back a few days back, from Singapore, and there’s no sign of their baggage yet.

Ryanair aren’t too bad because they dont check a lot of bags.

There is a mountain of bags in T1 and a smaller mountain developing in T2.

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According to a fella on the radio the other day, transfers where they move the bag for you are the big problem

Apparently there is a serious issue in europe with baggage handlers. 300 people arrive on their flight but only 250 bags cos the handlers ran out of time. Them 50 bags arrive on the next flight, after their owners have left the airport. Then 50 more the next flight, and the next, and so on.

There was also a problem with bags not clearing customs because of a lack of staff to do paperwork but I believe customs have thrown their hat at it and are not requiring paperwork anymore

@Batigol, anticipated times for getting through security only in T2 tomorrow morning early? Bags already dropped off

What time is early?

7:20 flight

Shouldnt be too bad. I’d expect 45 mins or so.

It’s right hard to predict though at the moment, but it would appear to be moving well

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2 hours be plenty so

Oh yeah

Thank you

I teckon its so they dont have to pay compensation for delays. The cunts

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Bang on the money :+1:

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@Batigol how are things looking these days? Have a T1 flight Thursday, approximately 11am.

Lads, will ye ever leave the fella alone and not be tormenting him.