Directions From Dublin Airport

Based on a sample size of our lads classes, 20-30% of families have gone away already taking the kids out of school. Some are even home and back in school for the last week

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I would have no qualms on doing it myself. Some schools are grand about it and some aren’t? I suppose it depends on the year.

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Once you’re into June most primary schools have almost wound down anyway. We’ve been getting books sent home every day for the guts of 2 weeks now


Since Covid schools haven’t a leg to stand on


We’ll get Tadhg up to speed on the 12 times tables in Alcudia.


Fuck em

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Nobody can ever talk about school attendance again with a straight face after the months of closure. That genie is out of the bottle and it’s never going back. Not to mind the fact that you’ve to stay home with a hint of a cough still. I’d say attendance rates have fallen off a cliff. Interesting to see the long term impacts or will there be any.

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Couple of schools in my area have Mini mid terms in early June so families can get away.

Schools back so early and families taking kids out anyway. Just made sense and fairer for those getting screwed at peak season.

@Mac 21/6/22 " we are in the middle of a cost of living crisis, people cant afford to heat their homes, the carbon tax means people have a choice to either eat or heat"

@Mac 28/6/22 “the airports are a disgrace, half of my kids class are off to disneyword, tuscany or corsica and they are queing for 1 hour in the airport”


What a joke of a country, bringing in the army to do a job that the DAA won’t pay lads to do. Basically getting free labour to get them out of the shitstorm they’ve created


Fuck it, I’m gonna fly somewhere today just to piss you off


Through check-in, bag drop and security in less than 30 mins thanks to travelling with a baby. Mad queues elsewhere. Fuck you @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy !!


You use that lane to left of security? Will be doing the same Friday.

Jesus Mac, you were on about a running stroller over 10 years ago, and you still firing our babies. You’ll be giving @Rintintin a run for his money yet. Give that woman a rest will ya.

I handed it back to whoever owned it once we cleared security


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes, some lad wasn’t letting us through first and I mentioned the Aer Lingus Silver card then and the passage was cleared for us

Primary teachers must have the most expensive holidays there is as they can only go during peak times, unless their schools take one of those June weeks off.

Eddie Murphy Laughing GIF

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Where ya off to ?