Directions From Dublin Airport

These lads could be deployed to war tomorrow. Helping out at the airport doesn’t seem too bad


Speaking on the same programme, Sinn Fein TD Louise O’Reilly argued that the manner in which members of the Defence Forces were informed about the plan was “disrespectful”.

Deputy O’Reilly echoed the concerns raised by RACO and PDFORRA and said both groups should have been consulted.

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“These are people, they’re not machines. They might have to do a bit of training, that’s grand, so when are they getting trained, and who’s going to replace them? I mean the Defence Forces are already 3,000 personnel short, so there’s practical considerations,” she said.

What would be the estimated time to get through T2 from a 6PM flight with dropping off a bag?

3,000 personnel short to do what exactly?

I hope the lads will at least get a few extra bob for their troubles.


It’s a fact of life that when you hear somebody describing something as “disrespectful “, they’re a bit of a manufacturing outrage wanker

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Wouldn’t happen on the mainland etc.

Went through Gatwick at 7.15am very, very recently.

It was grand at that time but turned to absolute shit shortly after. Over an hour to get through security.

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We’ve fast track booked but thanks for that. We are due to be going through at 5 am. Bag drop is the big nightmare. Thanks though. That’s reassuring (slightly) albeit it’s the start of the holidays :grimacing:

Aer Lingus cancelled a hape of flights yday did they in Dublin?

Yep, due to Covid.

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This lady seems a tinchy bit self absorbed. She’s almost daring Aer Lingus to cancel her flight given her not insignificant Twitter following.

A pre-emptive, wokey “don’t you know who I am”.

People always play their angles I guess.


Going to be more common as airports in England, mainly Gatwick, Heathrow and Manchester have been told to lower their capacity I think

10 mins through security at 8am - @Batigol playing a blinder. Clean floors/bins down around the 200 gates and fully stocked bar/coffee dock with no queues :clap::clap::clap::clap:


Any lads using the mobility services provided by OCS to skip the queue

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“Covid” when is this excuse going to end. They are short staffed


@Batigol to the rescue again.

Anyone been through schiphol recently. Is it as bad as they are saying? How has it gone from being so effecient to the shambles it now appears

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@TheUlteriorMotive or @Batigol - can you use the AerClub card for T1 fast track if flying a different airline? Or only if flying Aer Lingus?

You shouldn’t be able but they don’t think they scan it when going through so think it will depend whoever is on the desk?

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