Do not vote for Sinn Fein in the next election

sure look its all a game for these scumbags, this was done to show the pretend ira lads he is one of them, even the pretend ira on here are secretly loving it, thats the type of mentality you are dealing with here, braindead cunts, they’ll probably make a t-shirt out of him and it will be a best seller in the scum fein shop


Two word for you mate - Mary Boyle.

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The pretend lads will idolise this type of halfwit. You’ll probably see the Eire soccer fans now with loaves of bread on their heads ’ doing the McElduff’


sad but true



You vote FF don’t you?

What do you think of FF protecting a councillor who tried to obstruct an investigation by stopping Gardai from speaking with main suspect in the disappearance of a 6 year old girl?

Does that say it all about FF?

It’s a huge problem, for all the Mary Lou’s and Pearce Doherty’s you have Gerry Adams out stating his welcome by nearly 20 years and absolute gobshites like this lad, they’ll never be taken seriously outside of the lowest common denominator and the few misguided accountants

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Whataboutery alert.


Hypocrite alert.

The establishment stooges won’t like that

You have a very low opinion of the working class

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They don’t like having to clarify why they show their outrage at a guy making a video with a loaf on his head, while on the other hand ignoring a political party trying to stop the main suspect in the disappearance of a 6 year old girl being brought to justice.

That’s just free staters for you, isn’t it?

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Certainly not, who ever mentioned the working class??

Who do you vote for, mate?

The best candidate on the ticket, mate.


Whataboutery X sweepsweepery = cuntology


The vast vast majority of SF voters are working class and SF gets most of the votes of the working class.

You called SF voters the lowest common denominator

It’s fairly clear what you are saying


Vague answer.

Sure they were happy to see Dublin bombed mate

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