Do not vote for Sinn Fein in the next election

Fellas have an awful job getting their heads around that one

Itā€™s a true answer, to say anything else would be a lie, I donā€™t vote along party lines

Can you be more specific

Who did you vote for last time around?

Iā€™ll tell you when the next election comes around, honestly, is it hard to understand?

Last time?which party?

The party stooges on here will vote for whoever gerry tells em. If he put Tom humphries on the ticket the lads would fall in and tick the box.


Would you believe that I canā€™t remember offhand, Iā€™ll have a think,

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Be careful mate. If you give the wrong answer you could be in for some punishment tickles.



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These masters of democracy dont believe in the sanctity of the ballot box. Dont tell them fucking nathin

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Go away you loon.

I donā€™t vote for Fianna FĆ”il.

And there is nothing concrete to suggest that is what happened.

Says a lot that you have to try to deflect on to me and not address the scandalous carry on of Sinn Fein.

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Too ashamed to have voted for a party that tries to smear a Garda whistleblower as a child molester or a party that tries to stop a child killer from being arrested?

Who do you vote for?

Which one was the Greens?

Last election I didnā€™t vote at all,

Nothing concrete to suggest what McElduff was sectarian either but we all know you are not interested in the act just the perpetrator.

Who did you last vote for?

What scandalous carry on. One guy who is now being disciplined. No different than the FG guy mocking the families not the Dublin Monaghan bombings. He wasnā€™t disciplined though

Labour actually.

Anyway - this isnā€™t about who I vote for. To try and point score off other parties is ridiculous.