Do not vote for Sinn Fein in the next election

You dont need to answer that question. The sanctity of the ballot box remains. Don’t mind them party stooges

Do FF stand for protecting child killers?

Three months ‘suspension’.

Doesn’t cut it mate.

What cuts it with Sean McEniff’s involvement in the Mary Boyle case?

Child molesters did you say?

That’s the Sinn Fein President.

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More shame for northern football?

I don’t believe that Gerry Adams has ever been accused of child abuse.

Odd that you are now resorting to whataboutery when having to apply your standards to FF. Very odd when a dyed in the wool FFer is too ashamed to admit he votes for them.

Did somebody go missing up north and somebody knew something about it but wouldn’t come forward? Jesus that’s shocking.

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He should resign or be kicked out


Thats a fucking clamping

Have any of the Sinn Fein supporters on here condemned Mr. McElduff’s actions yet?

but but but whatabout… is all we got, the usual scum fein bullshit


Not at all. It was the loaf of breads fault apparently

Fair play mate, I see that you have on further inspection. Unfortunately @Cicero_Dandi doesn’t seem to have condemned it yet

Who do you vote for?

Fianna Fail

He is waiting for the full facts

So you’re ok with FF’s role in obstructing the investigation into the disappearance of Mary Boyle and obstruction of justice in the murder of Fr Niall Molloy?

No not at all. I condemn it

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