Documentaries worth watching

Anyone know where I could watch the Jim Stynes Documentary every heart beats true?Being doing a google search but to no avail.

Saw this last night. Absolutely superb. Agree completely with SS’s assessment above. The film is 100% footage. In on board camera footage of Senna as he went around Imola on 1 May 1994 is pretty tough to watch actually.

Still remember where I was when I heard that he died. I was playing football at home and turned the radio on in the old lad’s car to hear some football result. It said that Ayrton Senna was ‘brain dead’. I remember wondering what the difference between ‘brain dead’ and ‘dead’ was.

It was available on a torrent on TPB if you’re open to downloading.

That’s a shocking statement to make.

The Bra Boys doc is superb, great story about a group of surfers in Sydney.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 320064”]Still remember where I was when I heard that he died. I was playing football at home and turned the radio on in the old lad’s car to hear some football result. It said that Ayrton Senna was ‘brain dead’. I remember wondering what the difference between ‘brain dead’ and ‘dead’ was.

I was in Wexford Park and I would have been 12 or something. We used to go over there for Sunday evening championship games and hang around by the old dressing rooms trying to get (/rob) hurls and gear from the senior lads that were playing. I heard Brendan Furlong of the Wexford People mention it to somebody having earlier watched the race – nearly everyone used to watch Formula One then. Furlong would have been by the dressing rooms waiting to get team lists to help with his match report or whatever. I was distraught and it was Brendan Furlong’s fault and I always remember him saying it. :guns: Glad you enjoyed the documentary though Farmer. RIP Ayrton. :clap:

Cheers mate.

You should watch it yourself, you’ll enjoy it. Maybe gatecrash Clarkey’s viewing of it tonight with your ex?

On a sport documentary buzz at the moment after Senna last night, so watched the one on Mike Tyson there from a few years back which I had recorded from weeks ago.

Another superb effort. Tyson comes across as a complete scumbag bordering on the psychotic.

Great moments include footage of the Buster Douglas fight, which I still recall. One of the biggest shocks in the history of sport.

The footage around the Holyfield ear incident is class as well. Tyson is talking over the footage about what was going through his head at the time.

Sport is class.

Felt a bit sorry for Tyson when I watched that. An unstable lad who was used and fucked over by almost everyone he ecountered in his career. Doesn’t excuse some of his actions though.

I’ve just watched a very good 2 part documentary by Ken Burns about the life and times of the noted American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Amazing man, complete bastard of courzse, his personal life was disaster and he was arrogance personified, but his buildings remain as shrines to his genius, such as the Guggenheim, or the beautiful house, Falling Waters. I might start an architecture appreciation thread.

Watched two over the last week which are well worth a watch.

“Gasland” is about places in America that have suffered catastrophic environmental damage due to drilling for natural gas. The gas is contained within a rock called shale hence the name shale gas. It can only be got at via a process called hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”. A cocktail of toxic chemicals are poured into the drill hle to fracture the rock and release the gas. This technique poisons the ground water in the area. Wells have to be drilled every 200 metres which leaves the landscape looking like its suffering from chicken pox. The chap who made the documentary visits a load of houses in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Wyoming. The owners run the tap and literally set fire to the water.

It’s pretty topical here as licences have been given for drilling for this sort of gas in what’s called the Lough Allen basin ( it incorporates parts of Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon, Cavan and Fermanagh I think), and the Clare basin (all of Clare and possibly some of Limerick and Galway). I’m sure there’s plenty of gombeens in this country who’d be willing to destroy the Shannon and the Burren to make a buck on this.

Astro-Turf Wars - shows how so called “grass roots” citizens groups are in fact front organisations for wealthy vested industry interests. It focusses on anti-Obama healthcare groups, anti-climate change groups and the Tea Party.

Gasland is excellent, shocking and frightening.

France has banned fracking. Phillip Boucher Hayes did a good piece for Drivetime on the Lough Allen thing about a month ago. If it ever went ahead it would make Rossport look like a picnic. I wonder what Lucinda Creighton would have to say about it although I’d be pretty sure she’s never heard of it.

Gasland is very good alright Sid. There’s a big debate here over coal seam gas and fracking, Its going on all over Australia and destroying farming and natural aquifers. So there’s been a moratorium on new exploration licenses, its a frightening way of extracting gas, and despite what its proponents say, its highly carbon intensive, not to mention the obvious problem with pollutants.

Twas brilliant alright. Bandage’s ex bawled her eyes out.

Ex: Have you got a tissue?
Clarkey: No. And pull yourself together.



you knocking boots with bandage’s ex ?

Did you digitally rape her on the couch?

Clarkey goes to the cinema with girl mates.

He thinks this is a perfectly reasonable exercise.

Who are we to judge the homo?


unless he’s hiding his cock in the popcorn…