Documentaries worth watching

Can we dump our debt because the mental development of the Irish race was stunted by 800 years of British Rule?

Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ is probably the greatest documentary series ever made. All on YouTube as well

Military History are showing all 26 episodes of the World At War on rotation all weekend.

This is probably the greatest TV series of all time.

+1, without question. I have the box set myself, watch it once a year. The thing I like about it is that they interview ex-soldiers and civliians who haven’t lost their marbles yet and can recount very accurately what happened, as it was produced in 1973, still relatively close to the end of the war, but enough time for people to have reflected objectively. Though Albert Speer comes across as the Nazi cunt he was.

There’s no glorification or sentimentality about it and Olivier’s narration is perfect.

The opening scenes of what happened at Oradour Sur Glane is haunting stuff.

There is a shot about 3 or 4 episodes in on the fall of France of a child being taken away on a bus staring out the window and it’s mother just turning around with her hand over her mouth that is as haunting as anything I’ve ever seen on Telly.

Any decent documentaries on Al Qaeda?

Would like one that comes from an angle where they discuss their aims and what drives people to join them and so forth.

“The Power of Nightmares” by Adam Curtis is excellent

…this is an excellent documentary…

and in honour of phife playing tomorrow night this is a great doc for anyone into a bit of hippity hop…

Haven’t seen this but I’d say it’s good :lol:

Did the Illuminati kill Tupac?

Watched this recently Sid. Found it very interesting and informative, although it didn’t address the capitalist angle of the American side.

Anyone watch ‘calvet’ (French artist ) on more4 last night? Really enjoyable watch and shows how low the human mind can sink. The amount of drugs he claimed to take at one stage was crazy and the paranoia he described was something else. A crazed drug induced fight against a brick wall led him to start painting, and he hasn’t stopped since. The show maps his whole life, from junky rent boy at 15, to a rape scene in a paris toilet to working for and ripping off a mob boss in miami. A likeable and philosophical guy but I would have liked if it went a bit more into his violent past he spoke of alot.

Worth a watch back on 4OD if it’s there.

Anyone else watching the 4 part documentary on BBC2 about Putin , Russia and The West.

Saw the first installment and it was excellent

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 320114”]
Anyone else watching the 4 part documentary on BBC2 about Putin , Russia and The West.

Saw the first installment and it was excellent
[/quote]yes, been following it, its excellent. Not a man to be messed with is Putin

No, he fairly softened that corner boy who brought up the corruption in Rosneft

Saw ‘Senna’ finally - excellent.

One of the best ones ever really. I particularly like the early on board camera stuff. Awesome.

“King Corn” is quite interesting if you’re interested in why people in the US become obese more than other places. Corn production is heavily subsidided by the government there and corn ends up in every type of food you can think of. For example cattle are fed on corn (which promotes e-coli in a cows stomach) in these concentrated feeding operations, wading around in their own shite. The beef itself is far fatter than beef from grass fed cows. One stat from it was that the average steak in the US contains 9 grams of saturated fat compared to 1.3 grams in Europe. High fructose corn syrup is used as a cheap sugar substitute in pretty much everything in the US now. The corn grown in the US itself is moStly inedible and is nearlya ll used for animal feed, biofuels or high fructose corn syrup. You see one corn farmer in Iowa admit on camera “We’re growing crap, cheapest crap the world’s ever seen”.

Watched this programme about the history of planned obsolescence in products last night, found it pretty good. Not too long at 52 minutes. There’s a bit in it about a fire station in California that has a light bulb that has been working for over 100 years.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 320116”]

No, he fairly softened that corner boy who brought up the corruption in Rosneft
[/quote]and the the few lads he poisoned, poisoning lads for talking shite about him, what a great way to get revenge, old school

Sunday night 12pm on BBC 2 is a doc called The Four Year plan about the buyout of QPR by the Italians and the subsequent goings on. Ridiculous time for it, looks like it might be decent

Murderball is currently on BBC4. Compelling viewing, some very tough men in it who have overcome some serious injuries and set backs