Documentaries worth watching

I would highly recommend watching Adam Curtis’ films. People might already know of ‘The Power of Nightmares’, but ‘The Mayfair Set’ and ‘The Century of the Self’ are excellent as well.

Check out his “Britain’s Housing Disaster” film from 1984 - frightening and enlightening stuff even if it’s 28 years old. Building standards and regulation of pre-cast system-built buildings (tower blocks etc) meant nothing in Britain and the likes of Priory Hall are beginning to show that building regulation meant very little here over the last 10-15 years.

There are some excellent reports available on Youtube and made by Al Jazeera into the Mexican Cartels. It’s an amazing state of affairs. There is no policy in our age that can even approach the insanity of the ‘war on drugs’. In the US and Mexico it essentially serves as an annual transfer of tens of billions of dollars to violent psychopaths and their organisations. And for the no gain whatsoever by the looks of things.

I’m going giving this a watch now.

The state of The Gub. :lol:

6 million Jews and it should have been Protestants :lol:

That Nil By Mouth guy clearly has no sense of humour. The Muslim EDL hun clearly must be one of the must stupid people on the face on the earth. :lol:

I remember when I was younger, 12 exactly, reading that the KLF had filmed themselves burning 1 million pounds. Staggered to just find an interview with them on the Late Late Show

Featuring some ace music from The Atrix and The Blades

Anyone catch this on RTE last night? Nice little docu. I was hoping it’d be on the player as I’d to go to bed but it doesn’t seem to be.

Watched Harlan County USA there last night while I was in the grips of insomnia.

Good watch.

Some mad stuff in it, such as the Attorney General coming out and basically saying that having Coal Dust in your lungs wasn’t detremental to your health. The whole justice system of the county seemed to be on the Coal Companies payroll


Christopher Hitchen’s famous (infamous) Mother Teresa documentary.

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The first few parts of this don’t seem to be up on youtube any more and it’s difficult to get hold of the dvd but Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse is a great show.

That looks deadly.

It’s a genuine five star documentary, Thraw.

A decent bit of documentary work by two French journalists in the 80s here.

‘Little Prince - Big Fight’

Fly on the wall documentary on the build-up to the Naz vs. Barrera fight in 2000. Funny shit.

I’ve downloaded the first four episodes of Being Liverpool. Anyone watch it? Is it any good? Are there more than four episodes?

Rodgers is some cunt, Gerrard is also a horrible person.