Documentaries worth watching

This was a bit mad

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This is about 9 years old, just watched it, maybe its been up before. Apologies if so.

The War You Don’t See -

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I must watch that. Sounds like a Cora O’ Donovan job.

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I watched it. He got fair caught rotten. Ypur wan fucked him up rightly.


He actually seemed like a nice lad. But you’d have to awful naive to going around calling a girl you’d never met your girlfriend. He didn’t take advantage of being the most recognisable man on campus by getting the shift at all.

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Incredibly but we have seen the same carry on in ireland a much smaller place. Youd want your head examined meeting someone off the Internet based on Netflix

Untold? Is it narrated by buff Egan?

Ah sure there’s lots of online dating these days. But you’d be daft not meeting someone for a year or seeing their face and still thinking they were real. The INTERNET is serious business.

Madness. You can leave it off for the covid years as an exception but you need to say fuck it after a month or 2 of trying to actually meet someone

The new Ken Burns documentary “USA and the Holocaust” on PBS is magnificent as you’d expect.


Everything Burns does is top notch

Yep. I know fuck all about baseball but his series on it was fantastic.

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His Vietnam war one was unrale

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Is this on TFK TV?

Mentioned it on the TV series thread but the 30 for 30 one called OJ Simpson - Made in America is really really good. 5 parts but a fascinating story of his very interesting life.

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Looks class. Be very keen to hear what really happened at that world cup.

Romario looks fucking busted in that clip

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Iran Iraq War on my beloved PBS America is a good watch. Staggering stuff. Next episode is on at 10 tonight.