Documentaries worth watching

I don’t think you’re into torrents but there’s a great site for documentaries.

It provides torrent links to all sorts of war documentaries, PBS stuff, natural history and the like. All the old BBC stuff. Great resource but you need to be into torrents to get at it.


Balkans go Baltics by Hector on TG4 Player is very very good.

The healy rays of this world could do with giving this a couple of hours of their precious time

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Breakthrough the ideas that changed the world. Sky history

Narrated by patrick Stewart. I enjoyed it. Anyone interested in inventions and technologies

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Good 3 parter on here on PBS America about the Soviet Union. Top class historians like Sir Max Hastings feature prominently


Any sign of @Thomas_Brady ?


Watching Ken Burn’s 3 part doc on Ernest Hemingway here. Very enjoyable. He packed a fair bit in did Ernest.

The Michael J Fox Documentary (Still) on Apple is excellent. And really really fucking hard to watch at times. A great guy. A hell of a life and a career and a tough son of a bitch.


Kai the axe wielding hitchhiker on Netflix. If not mentioned already. Mad stuff.

Bang has uploaded Ken Burn’s Vietnam War

A must watch, it’s as good a documentary series I’ve ever seen

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Just watched the first episode of Once upon a time in Northern Ireland.
It’s engrossing and harrowing stuff to watch.


Travelers are some yokes, that’s all I can take from the Tyson documentary. Wants to get married a third time.

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Careful now

Fantastic documentary on Ricky Hatton on Sky Documentaries.


Jeez it certainly is. Just finished the series. Thought it was a little bit light on the part the British played in sustaining the whole thing but it’ll make me think twice about singing ooh ah up the ra. I read countless books and documentaries about the troubles years ago but I suppose seeing it all as a middle aged man and father it just hits different.
You’d forget how big of cunts paisley and his ilk were though. They actually campaigned hard for a no vote to the GFA :face_vomiting:. Where the fuck would we be if the process collapsed that time?

Should be mandatory for Leaving cert history students
I was involved in Republican activity for most of my adult and a lot of my young life,
It was a way of life for me and a lot of my contemporaries,
Ran in our family and I couldn’t wait to get up north,
I thought I knew it all, knew F all ,
Suppose like a lot of free state ppl especially back in the late 70s we had a romantic vision of life up there,
Boy was I wrong,
I was in all the Republican’camps’ bar the continuity ra,
Twas only after I lost one of my older boys to cancer,
Went through a divorce (my fault)
And was left to raise a baba back home in Cork and lost a business over my activities
( it was dodgy anyway tbh- security company and selling knock offs )
Did I come to have a good long slow look at what I was up to for decades,

I’ve met the vv best men,and ‘worked ‘ with them,
But just got sick of what was going on,
Including several former friends who did vv well out of it,

Ref my mandatory comment-
My youngest is becoming a teacher of history and English and he hasn’t a clue ref the north,
Yes he has read etc but he never listened about my actions and former comrades ,
Not pretty,
His generation ( he’s 21 next February)
Haven’t a notion,
I can’t see how a good history teacher can bring the subject of modern Irish history to life unless he understands it,

I walked away from all of it 18 plus years ago,
Won’t forget the good ppl,
And they’re still are locally and up north,
My first visit in 18 years a few months ago copper fastened my ideas,
Derry city is full of real genuine republicans,
But the new Ra whom I know of bar 2/3 are ex provo fools,
Big fish in an ever decreasing pond,
Who are holding my old neighbourhood of Creggan est to random,
Clinging to power as the older republicans are dying/ leaving for Donegal or being looked after by sf coffers


Where would a fella find this?