Does anyone here actually really like their work? PS please could you give a clue as to what you do if so

Yeah, I’ve family over in NS and spent a summer there as a young fella.

Have you many spare rooms left apart from the ones given to Ukrainians? You could help even more people out

Public transport seemed decent from what I recall in Vancouver (but that was 2007). Mainly bus from what I recall but maybe that was where I was staying.

That will trigger him

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There’s a few train lines. Come over and visit your friend, plenty of limerick headers over here so I might know him

Imagine looking at this and then looking out your window at a skanger stealing your bike in some sad estate in northern Dublin. No wonder the admins little pet is upset.


The view feom ticknock?

There’s no bad weather, just the wrong clothes. Soft townie fellas wouldnt get that

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The famed dooblin wit is struggling big time

Tis all robot mowers nowadays, JP has gone robot electric in The Manor I believe.

Saying that he’ll be letting off groundmen as a result. They giveth, they taketh

Ah he’s a fella I haven’t seen in about 20 years. Briefly lived in a house with his then girlfriend (now ex-wife, who is also still living in Vancouver). They’ve a teenage son over there as well, so that might fit the bill for someone you know.

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@backinatracksuit would’ve carried them and their troubles home on his back

Would you not chance a few trips to IKEA for people who order stuff. @Juhniallio Man with a Van.

We’ve enough homeless here in Limerick, no mountains though in fairness

Ya big baby :joy::joy:

Vancouver is renowned both for being the most beautiful city in the world, and for its staggering problem with homeless people. It seems incompatible, but it’s very easy to become inured to things.

Id say that an exception now rather then the rule in Ireland…lot of the country is completely broke if you ask me…working to pay rent or a mortgage with no long term financial stability


Yes, I know, I was only having a laugh.

I’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to visit, a neighbour of mine lived there for years and is always singing its praises, still came back to Limerick to raise his family mind…

Do they still burn the city down if they lose a hockey game?

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I think your right there Dan.I think that’s why the likes of the RTE stuff has lasted so long.A lot of the population are just getting by and are being ridden everywhere they turn wether its the price of Diesel/Insurance/Child care/Groceries.Then they see these absolute useless fuckers pissing public money up against the wall in the form of golden handshakes to people who in any private sector job would have been fired for incompetence long ago.But instead ride off into the sunset with hundreds of thousands in the back pocket to the next handy gig.


They have massive prawns

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