Dolores O'Riordan, Nembo getting increasingly demented, fascinating to watch

you would have to understand what she became I suppose.

So we deal in opinions now and not facts? Interesting…

What are the biggest band facts?


Who the fuck asked you

Very dissapointing from you, so the undertones are bigger than the Cranberries for no other reason other than you prefer them?
I’d say some nordie oasis tribute act are the biggest band ever

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“nordie” ?

if you don’t understand its fine, just try not to parade your fcuking ignorance so blatantly you simpleton.

I believe The Undertones were a more impactful band for normal people and The Cranberries a more impactful band for goth people and emos.


Thin Lizzy anyone?
Ffs like as dolores might have said herself.

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Mind your fucking manners. Your card has been marked.

Interesting true fact. “Dolores” just auto spelled as “do lodes” on my iPad.

Ya I like the undertones a lot,
Impactful in a small pond is big though? weird way to look at it

Better than the cunts spelling it Delores.

I’m not in the goth and gmo scene, mate.

I never cared for The Cranberries and neither did any people in my social circles. I don’t know any Cranberries fans. Until this week, I didn’t realise people actually liked what they passed off as music.



Gilbert o sullivan was bigger than the cranberries ffs…

They were decent in their time…she like a lot more before and after her couldn’t hack fame.

Same auld shite when your dead…she was a mighty woman etc…

No mention of her drug abuse etc…

Great debating tho lads


They only had one good song in fairness


That’s fine mate, though you have the musical taste of a 1990s 14 year old,
You really should have looked them up on the internet before you made the stupid comment earlier, that was really stoopid