Donegal GAA Thread

Jigger was the same wasnā€™t he?

You can hardly blame the ACL for him being a butty wee fucker if itā€™s the lad Iā€™m thinking of.
This tulipā€™s father kicked for the Rossies didnā€™t he?

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Think Oā€™Connor did his ACL three times or something by the age of 24.

Anyway itā€™s not forwards Donegal lack now. Itā€™s the other end where they are badly lacking.

I have now been informed that the Maths teacher in said school is the Glenties manager.

It was played last Sunday.

If youā€™re referring to the Co Final then itā€™s because of Kilcar appealing thr decision. Iā€™d say itā€™ll end up at the DRA.

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Co Board reappointed Bonner without him having a team in place. He still has no S&C coach and no one wants to do it with him in charge seemingly.

Rumours are that Jason Magee, Odhran McFadden-Ferry and two other have withdrawn from the panel while Bonner is still over them.

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Surprised McGee has never really got a good run with Donegal.

No but maybe thatā€™s something to do with Bonner as heā€™s been there most of the time.

Co Board seems to be a bit of a shamble. I know theyā€™re making moves to sort out the commercial side of things but theyā€™re wasting a generation of footballers by having Rory Gallagher and then Bonner.

Gallagher is a good coach. Came in at the wrong time. Heā€™s proved in Fermanagh and now Derry that.

Was far too negative when he was over Donegal. His entire philosophy seemed to be limiting the opposition to 12 or less and hoping that you manage to get a point or two more. Didnā€™t seem to allow the players to take any chances until they were 100% nailed on. Became a bit of a cunt in dressing room for a finish allegedly.

Donegal were in a bad position when he took over though. It was a poisoned chalice.

They had a squad full of key men in their 30s - McGee, Kavanagh, Toye, Lacey, McGlynn, McFadden, Gallagher etc and nothing ready made to replace them just a bunch of promising teenagers.

Bonner came it at the right time but has failed with a good emerging crop. I think itā€™s fair to say Donegal have a better forward unit now than when they won an AI under McGuinness.

Absolutely but the tactics were absolutely shocking as well. I think he learned a lot during his time with Donegal.

Be very interesting to see if his philosophy on attacking has changed at all with Derry.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s fair enough but I donā€™t think any other manager would have done much else with Donegal in that time.

If Gallagher had came in when Bonner did Iā€™d imagine heā€™d have done really well.

Is there bad blood between Donegal Co Board and McGuinness? Surely they should be pulling out all the stops. Murphy may have one or two more years left at the top and surely itā€™s worth giving it one final tilt.

Donegal seemed to have fallen back a little at underage in the past 3/4 years, they need to be consistently churning out good underage sides to be competing for AIs.

Jim wants to make it in soccer apparently and has his mind set on that.

Theyā€™ll probably give Bonner another year and then hand the reins to someone unproven like Leacy or someone like that.

I could see Donegal falling by the wayside like the likes of Meath, Down, Galway, Cork and Armagh have if they donā€™t get their shit together soon.

A few good minor teams for 4/5 years back need to supplemented and I would say Monaghan, Tyrone and Derry have all been ahead of them recently. Armagh are motoring along nicely too, GAA thriving in North Armagh now so they should be able to sustain the momentum theyā€™re building.

Club Championship is going nicely and theyā€™ve more young forwards and midfielders to call on than ever before.

Defence is a worry but that could be sorted out with coaching.

The Co Board, from what I can see, is a complete shambles. Took them years to sort out the Centre of Excellence. Still not done and every time some one from Donegal drives to Dublin they past two of the best in the country in Tyrone and Monaghan.

You reap what you sow.

Theyā€™ve got good players but 5 years under a manager not up to the job can destroy careers for a lot of lads and take enthusiasm out of the panel and the county which can be very hard win back.

Bye, bye Bonner.

How many games have they won outside the Ulster championship in his tenure?