Don't feed the Trollflake


Well lads.

Fuck you I have friends

do you know, id never considered that. then again, i wouldnt be one to trot out the victim card at the earliest available opportunity

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Who do ya get one of these victim cards?

Some lads aren’t cut out for the internet

I spoke to real person 4 days ago


She only charged you €200 for it.


happy endings all round

If i was a horse I’d be shot.

Dunno when that is mate. First Friday in December :+1:

grand, ill fire it in the diary

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Sorry, which one were you again?

How the fuck are you pot-bellied with the amount of swimming and cycling you do? Not to mention ogling young women while pretending to ref Gaa games. You must be in McDonald’s everyday or something?!? Oh wait…

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…And it’ll still be at least 94 days before the league starts again.

no mind him. ive seen more meat on a butchers pen!

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The bang of need and look at fucking me surfaced early today. Sin bin a great call.

I actually had a chat with my therapist. she told me I need to accept I can’t change the world but I can be a better person.

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Yawn… Your reactions to not being eulogised at every hands turn are plainly childish.
You need to take care of yourself, seriously. You’re overreacting to gentle correction and lashing out at the wrong posters. @Mac the cunt, has throw you multiple gems of advice yet you retaliate like a rabid dog.

Cop yourself on before you do damage to yourself.


I love to be hated. Mac is sneaky and snide. He’s jealous of my knowledge. This will be my last comment on the matter for now.