Don't feed the Trollflake

twill cos the hammer will fall on this account as well

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I have no reason to believe that the @anon23727452 account is linked to the @anon60384913, @AppleCrumbled, @anon25556527 or @anon59781749 accounts.


or @Brimmer_Bradley ?

:rofl: you said a mouth full

I always preferred @blackjackā€™s and have made no secret of it so retract that comment right now :rage:

Welcome aboard @anon23727452

Whatā€™s going on here @Mac? Iā€™ve no time to read the thread

Disregard. I see the name of our new poster now. Iā€™m the game not the sweetšŸ˜‰


We never leave a man behind.

He also forgot to mention he screen shotted posts from the limerick private group and clipped to suit his agenda at the time and publicly posted them on here. I asked him to remove These posts as they threatened my business at the time if seen by the wrong person. I had to resort to his tactics. Of course @Mac @Raylan @Chucks_Nwoko @Breaking_my_balls @artfoley and the rest will conveniently ignore that as it doesnā€™t suit their agenda. Nor has @Mac apologized for saying I mocked cancer which I didnā€™t. The comment was endorsed by several posters including @fenwaypark and @Fitzy . If I say the sky is blue 50 posters jump down my throat. It stinks of double standards.

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You threatened me by PM. That wasnā€™t very nice.



The sky isnā€™t blue mate.

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The sky is always blue, mate.

Rino said it.

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John Lennon said the sky is blue, but it looks fairly black where I am


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Iā€™m sorry, which one were you again?

There isnā€™t 50 posters here. Thereā€™s about 20 regulars and you turned out to be 6 of them here.



It was great to catch up with @anon59781749 again for a few hours. He was a top, top poster.

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I tried to help you and you reply with something so disgusting that you end up deleting it. As I said earlier youā€™re really a nasty piece of work who is happy to play the victim when it suits them but canā€™t handle some home truths. When you eventually grow up you might appreciate how others have tried to help you.