Don't feed the Trollflake

oh would you ever fuck away with yourself you soft piece of shite. if i had compared you to a cancer we’d have reams and reams and reams about how people were bringing your father into this, I couldve easily sasy yooure doing the same thing with my wife but I never even saw it from that angle. i guess some of us see the best in people whereas others just see the bad in everything as they have such a miserable existence.

i mean, 6 separate logins, are you for real???


I don’t online bully though art. I live and let live. You’ve been constantly having a go for 12 months now. The vast majority of time I do my best to ignore it but sometimes I snap. You are much worse than cancer as you do it on purpose. You’ve no redeeming qualities.

I had 4 logins. The only reason I left the applecrumbled one is because I wasn’t able to block posters like you. So I set up the Barney Curley in hope the block function would work. I don’t want anything to do with people like you Mac or chucks.

Can you just fucking stop this nonsense.

I was happy to leave it go months ago but the lads kept it up.

How the fuck did they know which account to PM?


This is like a terrifying groundhog day type feeling, it’s like the classic Vault off horror movie ending where the lads are cursed to relive the same wretched end to their evil lives for all eternity. This is hell.

Ah it’s not that bad

Sometimes it feels like hell. Are you playing the naps game.

youre full of shit. if you want to do the whole victim shite then by all means go ahead, go and curl yourself in a ball and stop annoying everyone here. if you want to engage properly, by all means do so as well but you cant start by giving me back the hundred quid i lost putting my money where my mouth is and following your tips.


that’s bullshit… no one forced you to put the money down and you’re a bigger gowl for doing it in the first place


:rofl: I didn’t tell anybody to follow my sections. You should bet responsibly you clearly need the 100 quid so you shouldn’t be betting. If you are that stuck for money I’d suggest a part time job maybe. The thread is my selections. If people want to follow it is their choice. If you are betting with a bank of 100 euro you should be betting Something like 5 cent on a selection. I would advise to stop betting as you followed in a few selections at half their price a few weeks ago which again is ill advised.

fuck you and the horse you rode here. keep out of it

If he’s so stuck for money he should not be betting.

simply put, if you think im a “cancer” (and thats not a shot at your dad, its ridiculous that id have to spell that out, but there ya go), put me on ignore.

yeah, thats cracking advice there :rollseyes:

I don’t think you are cancer. I think you are online bully which is worse than cancer in my opinion. You struggle to read and you are awful at maths.

i rode no horse.

fucks sake… i’ll bitch slap the two of ye if ye don’t stop acting like cunts

Too far m8

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