Don't feed the Trollflake

Have we? This fella appears to have a dozen or so log ins

thats far from the oddest thing about him (based on what we’ve seen here)

Course we have. D’ya remember when you suddenly acquired children? That was really fucking weird.


:smiley: :smiley:

If you have to ban all Limerick logins then that’s just what you’ll have to do.

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there’s around 2-3 lads here with children, the rest are making it up ffs


You me @Bandage and who else?

Lads making up children to impress other lads on the internet :joy:

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Any weirder than your midnight swims with strange men?

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61k followers on the gram , pardon the pun . Needs to expand to the USA or UK and shes made

God yes. The actions of two consenting adults are all ok. Magic children is a step too far.

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My kids are magic tbf.

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you couldn’t make it up

they did!

You are the most identifiable poster on here.

Driving a Kangoo by day to provide chocolate bars for the nations children and driving the Kangoo by night for questionable swimming meet ups

It’s a Berlingo mate, but the rest is entirely accurate.

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Hoping you would correct and confirm

You’re much too crafty for him

@Mac has accepted I didn’t mock cancer(after falsely claiming I deleted it first) . I made a comment comparing online bully artfoley to cancer. Two very different things. He is in my opinion much worse as he does it on purpose. Cancer doesn’t. People might not like it but in my opinion I am right. I am grateful for those that helped me overcome yesterday including the pms I received. This will be my last comment on the matter as I don’t want to get banned.

I’m lashing that out next time I’m in an argument.

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