Don't feed the Trollflake

Ok guys, can everyone chill?

Iā€™m sure we can all find some common ground on @Mac

Peace and love to everyone.


Great here comes an Italian to bring a cool head to the situation


Thereā€™s no fucking way youā€™re Italian

No one gives a fuck about any PMs or any comparing with cancer or any of that shite because they think those lads are basically sound and they think youā€™re basically a gimp. But youā€™re a self-admitted liar anyway, no one believes a word of it, not that they care. Youā€™re just talking to yourself, no one else is even following it.

Serious advice was given to you, which was get off the internet and sort yourself out. Thats the only advice that can be given to you. Youā€™re not enjoying this, it isnā€™t working for you.

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I think the chap has a lot of people fooled, including myself. I think this is all a version of a wum, itā€™s also possible there is more than one person with access to the account

Eight people have access to my accounts.

I called this long ago. Glad to be proven right.


He died for our sins



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Fair play to @anon23727452 for moving on.


But has he moved on really, or is he just saying that but inside he is seething and getting close lashing out?

You have an opinion on everything would you just mind your own fucking business for once . Iā€™m surprised the neighbours havenā€™t run you yet

Heā€™s more Cark than the Carkies themselves at this stage

When one of them is the lad who said he liked to fuck boys ? One was on coke ,
One would give us a few winners
One didnā€™t know a horse from a cow
One was in college
One was on the dole
One had a girlfriend
And one lost a farm


Hed want sorting out

Dont be coming on here with threats and cosying up to some clare cunt , you cunt.

Esteban del la sexface attacked me on the private forum last week for wanting to get an id on barneycurley turns out now Iā€™m looking to get an id on 8 cunts . He must be feeling so fucking stupid now . Now fuck off Iā€™m watching munster

I donā€™t think you fully understand the premise of an internet forum.

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Iā€™d worry some lads arenā€™t taking it serious enough


Fucking snowflake fruitcake fruitsalads