Don't feed the Trollflake

Youā€™re on top of your game for a lad with fuck all sleep

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I never needed much

This place is mental


This place changed him, in ways he never thought imaginable

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What happened him/her?

Iā€™m convinced it was a coupleā€™s account.

Probably Rob Heffernan and the missus.

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If some of these lads were around when IOTM was at its height I canā€™t even begin to wonder how they would have coped.


keep your wop nose out of it.

Himself and @Locke are doing the DCM on Sunday.

Iā€™d say heā€™ll be back after that.

Whatā€™s IOTM?

The bandage of the month award


So Iā€™d have won it by asking that question :laughing:

It used to drive lads demented. The alliance vs the mulliance with the Wexford mafia playing on both sides

@Bandage could you unlock the @anon32894817 login or the @anon60384913 one? I pmed myself the password for my apartment block a few days ago and have drawn a blank tonight and canā€™t remember it. Iā€™m currently standing outside in the pissing rain. Thanks.


Nomination only Id say. Youā€™re too bland to polarise opinion enough to win it pal

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Heā€™s possibly the one fella that would go out of his way to help a lad out on here.

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Post of the year


Please :pray: