Driving Licence

Anbody know the script if you’ve let two of these provisional licences expire without passing the driving test? :unsure:

Can you get another one? :blink:

I think all you have to do is apply for the test and have proof of application with you when you are renewing the licence.

Yes, you have to have a letter showing you have applied for your test before they will give you the third one though.

So, can you validly apply to do the test even though you know your provisional licence has expired?

And can you then use this application letter to get the third provisional even if you have no intention of turning up to do the test* and subsequently withdraw the test application?

*Because you can’t drive.

Yes, all you need to apply for your test is your Driver numbr, which is on your licence but doesn’t change from licence to licence so the validity of the provisional doesn’t matter.

Splendid; thanks RTT. Could you draft me a letter applying for the test please? Or is there a standard form to be completed available from a specific website?

It’s a standard form Bandage.

My link

Where is it?

I edited my post above to include a link to the RSA site and applying for tour test online.

Are you serious ???

Nice one, RTT. So apply online, print off proof of application and then apply for the third provisional attaching this proof? Correct?

Then I’ll get some email back advising me of test date and I can simply cancel it? And will be sent out my new provisional at some stage too?Correct?

An easy two-step process? Correct?

Bandage - are you planning to take some driving lessons or something?

Are you volunteering ???

No, I’m quite laid back about the whole process.

Yes, Farmer. I’m goal setting at the moment; I’d like to be able to drive before reaching the age of 30.

Best of luck with it mate.

You’d be as well to keep the driving test date, go off and get lessons straight away before you get bad habits driving and the test will be handy then. Sure it could take months for the test to come up.

Ok I laughted but

  1. Can you drive ??
  2. Could Farmer could teach you in his car ??
  3. Your from wexford and all country people can drive before the age of 10 so what happened ??

I believe the last time Bandage was in a car with Farmer, the big man was more intent on dishing out a musical education than the rules of the road. I can’t see Bandage suffering this again

Thanks, mate. Appreciate it.

Surely a driving instructor could not provide me with driving lessons if I don’t have a valid provisional licence?

  1. No.
  2. That would depend on Farmer.
  3. Wexford town is an eastern seaboard multi-cultural hotbed with an Opera House. It is not a ‘country’ area. Many people from urban centres have no requirement for a car be they from London, Paris, Los Angeles, Wexford, Milan, Amsterdam, Dublin, Berlin or wherever.

Rintintin, please answer my final question.

Weird question.