Drugs in sport (and non sports)

Doubt it’s as bad as Celtic tiger levels. A good harsh recession will kick it to touch.

You won’t get on a junior b now useless you do some “Charlie” in the dressing room

I thought we already had this and it was called The Olympics.

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A great idea. Will be interesting to see how records stack against “clean” competitions


This was completely unnecessary to print about an individual case but it would be good to hear a few more voices of power in the GAA speak out about the elephant in the room. A teetotaler like Jarlath might get the ball rolling.

Dreadful nails for a stock photo.

Only a footballer thank god

Who would be an amateur sportsperson in Ireland,eh?

Who carries a razor blade around for chopping it?
Must be a Dublin player.


…of my 13yrs amongst a sea of cocaine addicts on three continents, I’ve never seen anyone use a razor to chop up powder.

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The “elite” Kenyan distance runners can compete both in the clean and the dirty Olympics

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Whats the matter?

Too much scrutiny for so little reward.

If previous rumours were to be believed he’s from a western seaboard county

Apart from all that Govt money.


All that milage. All that gear. All for a few months “work” a year at your hobby. They shouldnt get too worked up about it, if they dont want to do it, theres another fella coming behind them who will.

Stinks :smiley:

From your experience is it as bad as in London?

A bit of the auld WD-40 on the cistern lid of an ale house jacks is a great job.

The poor little snowflakes cant work out whats happening at all at all :rofl: