Drugs in sport (and non sports)

You don’t like my take then don’t reply, take your own advice.

I don’t think it’s funny that the chap has lost everything, I can’t understand why you’d find that funny

Article doesn’t really say too much or go into great detail, never knew he’d fallen on hard times though.

Dodgy business advice. He was worth about 17 million.


This seems more of a you problem than a me problem

I overheard a Clare lad on the terrace the last day talking to his mate. He was involved in football in his local club from what I could make out.

“They are telling me the football is destroying the hurling club and nothing about the fact that the whole team are off their heads on cocaine every weekend”


Ya, weird that my first reaction to hearing that somebody has been made bankrupt and homeless isn’t to have a good laugh

It’s a well known condition known as schadenfreude



Maybe if he fell off his bike and broke his nose, or had his Olympic medals taken off him,
But the poor cunt is almost destitute according to that, the whole peloton was on drugs, he never seemed like a bad guy to me though I don’t follow cycling. I was holidaying in Cornwall when he won the tour


Yeah allegedly. He’s a dickhead. I’d say he’s burnt a lot of bridges over the years.

Cork man supports knight of the realm cheat


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That’s a powerful word

The klaxon will sound after that one :man_shrugging:

I would be inclined to agree, but he had a deeply troubled childhood, and achieved a lot off his own bat.
I don’t like to see it tbh. Gone off the rails by the sound.
He could make a good few quid yet on the corporate circuit.
I wonder whether DB will look after him, or watch him disappear in the rear view mirror.

iIRC he’d awful issues with his father ?

Da fcuk?!!


Cc @artfoley your teen daughter has access to your phone


And was sexually abused by his coach.
Awful stuff :slightly_frowning_face:

DB has a new toy now.

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