Dry January and February Thread

Pink champagne there, first up

Shur you may as well throw up the queens speech from Christmas there while you’re at it

Signing out.


Still up on the wagon. Plenty of room lads…

Someone throw up a dry February thread there - lockdown in January was too depressing not to drink in fairness.

Dark before and after work from home. Nightmare stuff.

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The commute from the bedroom to the spare room is an awful slog on these dark, wet winter mornings.


Novelty went for me around June last year.

This is a great thread to herd all the weak posters together.

Nearly there now lads. 123 more days only.


It’d be easier to go dry if the pubs were open at this stage

I’m having a can of cider and an Easter egg.


Dry February makes more sense.

Unless you’re living the dream below in Rochestown there.

Signing in

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A cadbury easter egg or is it a nestle abomination?

If you want a drink, drink. If you don’t, dont. If you need to take a month off it you probably have an issue.

Oh Cadbury.


Hopping a few balls pal.

The next 123 days are crucial.

I used to go out most weekends, chasing women, have a nice bit of drink. Ive drank about 10 times during covid. No interest drinking at home.

I’m doing savage drinking


A lovely, lovely post!