Dry January and February Thread

Herself has put her back out today. We spent 2 hours waiting for a doctor to tell us, inevitably, to rest it. Iā€™ve spent the day running around after her and the dog who got a thorn in his paw yesterday and is feeling very sorry for himself. Had to go and pick up a new barbecue which will take me 4 hours to assemble. And I had to drive the 17 year old and his friends to a party, another 1 and a half hours.
Fucking complete waste of a Saturday and I have a shite load of things to do.
Got a 6 pack and bottle of wine on the way home. Iā€™ll be on my own tonight, Iā€™m not doing it sober. Fuck dry January.


Enjoy the few drinks mate

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I gave up on it earlier, 30 days is enough. Herself is in bed about 2 hours. She is off it for another month. About to open another quick can, she makes a big deal of walking out to the toilet every 20 mins and coughing. Must text her about the cough bottle in the dresser


Dry February fellas?

Sure what craic is there to be had in drinking these days, give yourselves a break till we can socialise properly again

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I didnā€™t drink a drop this weekend for the first time in ages and I feel all the better for it. Maybe ā€˜dry weekendā€™ is the solution?

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Iā€™m up for it (I think)

Thats an idea that could make you millions.

Dry midweek

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Iā€™m doing dry 3am to 6pm most days


Last day, Iā€™ll stay going.

Go on. Have an auld drink.



I had about 1.25 bottles of average red wine last night.
I feel Iā€™ve paid for it today.debt to society now. Got out of the bed just before noon. Did a few jobs on the cars. Dragged the lad out on a 9k run.
I reckon Iā€™ll open a bottle fairly shortly.

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Have you checked the cistern for a naggon of vodka mate?



I blame climate change


Will give February a whirl now too.

Only possible lapse opportunity really would be Valentineā€™s restaurant meal at home (cc @Juhniallio)

Edit: I should clarify, Iā€™m not angling for a Valentineā€™s meal with Juhniallio; he recently expressed interest in meal at home options.

had a few neighbours over this afternoon for a chat and had x3 cans of rockshore, jesus itā€™s grand stuff , flew down during the Leicester game

thats a smashing post

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