Dry January and February Thread

One of the greatest posts in tfk history…

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Where is the link

I saw non alcoholic Bavaria in the shop earlier. As if Bavaria wasn’t fucking bad enough like :joy:

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Signing out. Turns out it was dry Janua. See yall next year.


You’d want to be an awful mug to be denying yourself any of life’s pleasures you can access in this the most miserable January of your life


Lads kidding themselves with it. it’s like the lads who convinced themselves the cans of Guinness were as good as the pints last April


You’d want to be half cut most of the time to put up with the shit at the moment. Youd go mental otherwise


Tis like a fella having a pain in his head and deciding to sit on the floor for a few hours so he’ll have a pain in his hole aswell.

Bizzare stuff. Drink it in man…


I heard once one of the warning signs of alcoholism is lads give it up for a few weeks just to show themselves they can. I’ve never given it up just in case


Solid advice. Consistency here is crucial. You’re only upsetting your metabolism going off it and then bursting back after 3 weeks and wolfing hapes of pints.
25/30 pints a week in normal times is healthy going. Along the lines of 4 4 0 4 6 6 6. :pint:X30


Any fella at that would have a fair oul Ned Kelly to be dealing with. Sounds fantastic though to be fair. Give the kids a hand with the homework wedn evening

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6 pints of plain in a dirty auld pub would go down a treat.


It would take me a while to get back up to speed at this stage

I went for a run up Killiney Hill and then a swim in Vico at sunset this evening, very very special. A pint of stout in a nice warm pub afterwards would have gone down a treat.

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Jaysus, you’d be some size if you’re atin grub on top of that

4 pints of Guinness is 500 calories. Not great but not going to kill you if you eat alright and do a bit of manual work


That’s a surprise to be honest, 125 calories in a pint,

Still and all, 30 pints a week can’t be great for the belly or anything else

It’s closer to 800 calories or nearly half of your recommended daily intake. So if you drink four pints you’d want to think about not having dinner. Which I suppose isn’t a good idea if you’re having four pints.

What a man does in his own home is his own business…

Yeah seems the first link I clicked on google was wrong. 800 calories isn’t near half your daily intake of calories for a man mind you