Dry January and February Thread

Rdi is 2500 for a man iirc.

I thought it was 2000.

Anyway Iā€™m going to have a whiskey with ice. The amount of energy required for the body to raise the temperature of the drink to body temperature will help me break even.

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2000 for a woman iirc ,but they make this stuff up as they go along.

Lads, drink what ye want at home, as long as it doesnā€™t turn you into a prick (or bigger prick than you already are)

The Mrs hasnā€™t drank in 3 years. She does enjoy a non-alcoholic Kopperberg or two at the weekends.

Iā€™d only ever really drink a non alcoholic beer if I was at a pub and driving home. That or a sparkling water.

I did three months without alcohol last year, as Iā€™ve said before, but it was a mixture of circumstances (partially financial). It wasnā€™t for health reasons or proving I could do it. I must say I enjoy a couple of beers (probably just two) on a Sunday night now, especially if I had a decent run in the morning. But I wouldnā€™t judge anyone on what they drink in their homes as long as theyā€™re causing no problems for anyone else here


Jaysus. Probably the wrong thread for you to be hanging about in so. Iā€™m pretty sure theres an alter boy thread elsewhereā€¦


Signing in.

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Calories in drink are only a cod. Sure all alcoholics would be 40 stone if they werenā€™t

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I have a theory that you can lose weight drinking.

Did you ever see a lad with a proper porter belly?

I did. Thereā€™s a lad I know and if you saw him from the back youā€™d think he was skinny as a lat and then he turns around and heā€™s about 5 stone in his gut

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I think Paul McGrath covers this in his book. Alcoholics dont really eat

Same as a fella I know. Two spindle spanks for legs and carrying around a gut thatā€™s not natural. Iā€™m surprised his ankles havenā€™t snapped

Your body does not and cannot store alcohol as weight. It processes the alcohol. But while it does all the other shit you are eating is not being burned off.


All the calories come from drink for alcoholics

The porter bellies are from lads that drink their 9 or 10 pints and then have a chipper a few times a week

Iā€™d tend to agree with that

All alcoholics would be dead if that was the case

Iā€™d class them as different alcoholics to the lad who is destitute from drink.

There was a lad I knew had such a porter belly I use to often wonder if you gave him a prick of a needle would it all spray outā€¦


The poor souls who only drink are a fright. Iā€™ve someone close to me whoā€™s taken by it. Its horrific

Ah yeah, thatā€™s a different thing altogether.

The fella who is in the pub every night of the week slugging porter, though unhealthy, is a million times better off than those poor souls

I suppose there might be a reason why pro soccer players drink vodka as opposed to pints nowadays.