Dublin Bay North Constituency Thread

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton has suffered a humiliating defeat in his own selection convention in Dublin Bay North.

The veteran politician finished between Naoise O Muiri and Stephanie Regan, who had previously been tipped for a seat in the Seanad.

The shock decision was made at the Dublin Bay North Selection Convention.

Mr Bruton, who attended the event in Clontarf Castle, has been a TD for the Dublin North–Central constituency since 1982.

The 62-year-old was appointed as Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in March 2011.

However, the party is likely to add Mr Bruton to the ticket in a move that will leave the party with three candidates in a five seat constituency.

It is believed an emergency motion has been proposed to add Mr Bruton to the ticket.

Nonetheless, Mr Bruton’s defeat means he is the most highly profile politician in a considerable period of time to suffer a defeat at convention.

A party source said Mr Bruton will be added to the ticket by the executive council,which was agreed at the convention.

Mr O Muiri tonight confirmed he was selected. “Yes I can confirm I got through convention,” he told independent.ie


[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 1131559, member: 377”]Jobs Minister Richard Bruton has suffered a humiliating defeat in his own selection convention in Dublin Bay North.

The veteran politician finished between Naoise O Muiri and Stephanie Regan, who had previously been tipped for a seat in the Seanad.

The shock decision was made at the Dublin Bay North Selection Convention.

Mr Bruton, who attended the event in Clontarf Castle, has been a TD for the Dublin North–Central constituency since 1982.

The 62-year-old was appointed as Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in March 2011.

However, the party is likely to add Mr Bruton to the ticket in a move that will leave the party with three candidates in a five seat constituency.

It is believed an emergency motion has been proposed to add Mr Bruton to the ticket.

Nonetheless, Mr Bruton’s defeat means he is the most highly profile politician in a considerable period of time to suffer a defeat at convention.

A party source said Mr Bruton will be added to the ticket by the executive council,which was agreed at the convention.

Mr O Muiri tonight confirmed he was selected. “Yes I can confirm I got through convention,” he told independent.ie

Why is he the third candidate if he finished second?

[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 1131559, member: 377”]Jobs Minister Richard Bruton has suffered a humiliating defeat in his own selection convention in Dublin Bay North.

The veteran politician finished between Naoise O Muiri and Stephanie Regan, who had previously been tipped for a seat in the Seanad.

The shock decision was made at the Dublin Bay North Selection Convention.

Mr Bruton, who attended the event in Clontarf Castle, has been a TD for the Dublin North–Central constituency since 1982.

The 62-year-old was appointed as Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in March 2011.

However, the party is likely to add Mr Bruton to the ticket in a move that will leave the party with three candidates in a five seat constituency.

It is believed an emergency motion has been proposed to add Mr Bruton to the ticket.

Nonetheless, Mr Bruton’s defeat means he is the most highly profile politician in a considerable period of time to suffer a defeat at convention.

A party source said Mr Bruton will be added to the ticket by the executive council,which was agreed at the convention.

Mr O Muiri tonight confirmed he was selected. “Yes I can confirm I got through convention,” he told independent.ie

He’s been added to the ticket already apparently. He finished 2nd but was bumped out of the spot because of the gender quotas rule.

@Blake has answered my question. That’s some shocking defeat for Bruton. They’re not exactly strong in Dublin Bay North so having 3 candidates is a bit of a disaster for them.

Wasn’t that Naoise O Muiri, Lord Mayor of Dublin a few years back? Think he’s from Connemara.

Yeah, its a kick in the nuts for FG HQ, really dilutes their chances of winning the scrap for the final seat

That’s him alright, a certified moron. FG in Dublin Bay North must be filled with gobshites if he topped the selection poll

Don’t know anything about him, but he doesn’t seem to be a great vote getter. I do recall in the Local Elections back in 2004, he got elected by 1-2 votes. The count went on for a few days and he was the last councillor in the country elected.

Just looking at the results from the 2011 election. Even with their best ever general election result, he wasn’t even within an asses roar of getting elected.


Enda Kenny gets the last laugh, he never forgave him.

What are you on about?


When he couldn’t beat Enda that time his goose was cooked

Yeah, no shit. What has that got to do with the selection convention?

Yeah, Enda is seemingly a serious man to bear a grudge. Bruton despite tonight’s shenanigans a shoo in to be elected. Fianna Fail will probably get a seat, although their convention could be every bit as spiky. They can’t decide whether to run 1 or 2 candidates. The Champ is promoting Mrs Fionnan Sheahan in a big way. Sean Haughey still their best hope of getting a seat and Deirdre Heney seemingly wants to run as well. Finian McGrath will hold onto his seat presumably. Last seat a dogfight between SF, Labour/disaffected Labour candidates, Terence Flanagan and 2nd Fine Gael.

The fact that he would have most likely been our current Minister for Finance had he not tried to get rid of Kenny would suggest that he would have made it through a mickey mouse selection convention today.

He’s the Minister for Jobs & Enterprise, the pound-for-pound the handiest and most lucrative portfolio going. What happened at the convention was nothing to do with what portfolio he has. It’s a protest from the grassroots in the area, sticking the fingers up to FGHQ over the gender quotas and election strategy in DBN.

I haven’t a clue about “grassroots in the area”, maybe you’re right I don’t buy it though.

Averil Power did well last time considering the FF meltdown. Think she’s a better hope than Haughey. Big selection issues for FF though and the Haughey-Heney rivalry continues.

Larry O’Toole isn’t running for SF which won’t help their chances. Two strong ex-Labour candidates in Broughan and Cian O’Callaghan but Aodhán O Riordáin has a decent profile. But there are so many left candidates with O Riordain, the two ex-Labour, SF and McGrath.

Ah quotas. They never cause issues.

Very fucked up, three seats and they basically jammed that girl in there and the boys weren’t having it. Essentially this Naoise lad said pick me and they’ll throw Bruton on the ticket as well (which they will). So the two lads will go forward with the support of the party but gender quotas have been satisfied.