Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

As in throwing the cunt into a hedge?


Surely free money at Evens there? Boylan will get a lot of female to female transfers but ultimately the FF split will go bigger to FG.

FF won’t have enough to transfer to make a difference.

Squeaky bum time for Little Jimmy Geoghegan

James came out of the traps real fast a couple of weeks ago. Then he made a cunt of himself three times in a week and hasn’t been allowed open his mouth since. The Enda Kenny strategy I think it’s called.

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He’s more gossipy than an auld woman in a corner shop.

Has this serious story broke?

Supposedly gonna be in the village magazine today

Does Village Magazine not hit the press early morning?

Great to see the Greens out in their Land Rover putting up posters in DBS this morning


Just a rehash of previous stories?

When did “commercial lawyer” become a scoop? Is that meant to be a bad thing?


Will Michael McDowelll go for this ?

You’d have to say he could be considered a commercial lawyer too, as a high profile barrister he’s the definition of a “gun for hire”. You’d hate to see The Village and Wi-Fi Paddy reveal that to the masses. Best to give it a miss

Gas seeing the same lads who defend the Indo anti SF agenda now triggered. :joy:

The delectable Kate O’Connell has been posing for photographs with Micheál Martin and Mary Lou McDonald on the campaign trail. She even appears in a promo video for Deirdre Conroy’s campaign. :dagger: :dagger: :dagger:

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This paddy exclusive is no better than any of Philip’s exposés on the shinners, like the indo there’s a whiff of desperation off him

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