Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Paddy must have got his exclusive from looking in here.

I met Ivana on the go today, she’s looking shook lads. I doubt HBV would touch her now

Was Badchips ever any other way? Her accent alone would make you puke and her constant referencing to her abortion campaigns shows just how shallow her ‘achievements’ are, not much better than a one-trick pony.

Some lads here were mad for a jump on her

You have to be joking me. I wouldn’t ride her into battle.

This place houses all the freaks

Except Bacik

Silly boy if you think that. She already PMS’d me

I’d agree with that but coming from a privileged background and working as a tobacco lobbyist is not a good indication of character. FG must be really beginning to regret giving the nomination to this chinless wonder.

The tobacco lobbyist isn’t a good look.

Some of the other stuff is pure classism though.

I’d argue there isn’t any better prep surely for being in politics than being a tobacco lobbyist.
You have to take an unpopular decision and work to convince everyone else of its merits

He is pure FG though. Well connected, well heeled, completely out of touch. Like his party leader and probably all those at the top table of FG, would be ideally suited to the Tory party if they were to open a branch here.

As much as I despise the bint, OConnell was their best chance of claiming that seat.

Agreed on Geoghegan. He even ran off to join the anti-abortion Renua party, which demonstrated just how out of touch he was.

But denies he went there for the reason that he was anti-abortion. Like Coveney, he changed his mind when he saw all the votes that he would lose when he voiced concerns at that repealing the eighth would make us a country with even less restrictions that the UK. Principles, it seems, do have a price.

A lovely lowering of the blade there.

gonzaga, explains a hell of a lot

"By all accounts James Geoghegan is, personally, an inoffensive individual. "


The Forehead has started the mind games early.

Geoghean now 5/4
He’s hardly going to lose?

wpould be some laugh if he did. the knives would be out for leako if he did.

CC @glasagusban