Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Lynn out to 7/4 too though

A Green wave brings Byrne into 6/1

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I presume Lynn would need a healthy first pref lead to have a realistic chance of winning this?

Byrne was 25/1 a few days ago. Word must have got out that she is good company at a wedding.


Claire Byrne could win based on people thinking she’s the Claire Byrne.

That would be very funny.

I’d love to know what she actually did to fall out of favour so much. If they wanted the seat then she must surely be the obvious candidate as a former TD for the constituency and the one who narrowly lost out to SF last time.

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Fell out with Varadkar.


The way the Sandymount cycleway was planned was a “particularly extreme example” of the public being excluded from proper participation, the High Court has been told.

There is also evidence that, far from just being a six-month trial, if deemed successful by Dublin City Council it is intended the cycleway should remain in place permanently, said Neil Steen SC, for two people who have taken a challenge against the council over the plan.

The cycleway works were put on hold earlier this year as a result of the legal challenge by local resident and retired EU civil servant Peter Carvill of the Serpentine Avenue, Tritonville and Claremont Roads group and by local independent councillor Mannix Flynn.

They say the scheme will cause considerable inconvenience and traffic disruption for local residents and businesses which has not been properly taken into account by the council.

I think the cycle way is a good idea. That being said there’s no doubt that the council didn’t consult the locals and if it went in it wasn’t going to come out again.

Not overly familiar with what consultation was done but a google brings up this


That’s good numbers in response to be fair although a 3 week consultation timeline is taking the piss a bit and the council themselves would never agree to such a short timeline if they had to examine a proposal.

Did they change much from the original proposal or was the consultation a box ticking exercise?

I like a keenly contested Irish election and have been keeping an eye on this campaign. Does anyone here have any information on the level of strategy/work used in canvassing/planning etc?

They have access to how votes in individual constituency wards went in previous elections, right? And whatever fake polling they’ve been doing?

I look at Twitter and Lynn Boylan’s out in Pearse Street flats, working class Ringsend and Irishtown, and other less salubrious areas of the constituency like parts of Harolds Cross and Rathmines etc. Meanwhile James Geoghegan is in Sandymount, Ranelagh and so on.

Is it that straightforward? FG focus on more well to do areas where they’ve done well and SF in less well off areas for the same reason? Would (m)any resources be used in deciphering whether it would be worthwhile to broaden the canvassing horizons and to target different areas?


Lynn Boylan tweeted images of her canvassing well-to-do redbrick houses in Rathmines yesterday. Although, to be fair Mary Lou was with her and she prob felt more comfortable in the well-off areas.


I thought the exact same thing re their areas of campaigning. Maybe they will give token visits to their less comfortable areas. I thought Sinn Fein would try identify areas where kids are still living with their parents in their late 20s/30s in the more upmarket areas and really go for that cohort. I suppose hard to really contact them directly with FFFG Mammy answering the door unless they use a very targeted direct social media campaign.

FG seem to be throwing huge campaigning resources at it. It seems the various Dublin area campaigns teams are traipsing over to DBS in rotation to knock on doors and hand out leaflets no doubt pestered by that creep Simon Harris who will recall their ‘commitment’ when he expects to lead the party in the future.


Is McDowell going ???He would be a bigger addition to the Dail rather than any of the listed candidates when are pretty uninspiring

Boylan’s crew are spreading the message at the door that Geoghegan is from a very privileged background in my gentrified part of D4. A nice spread between authentic Dubs, MNC workers and settled Muldoons on my road. You need a good mix of canvassers to strike the correct tone.

Is Boylan a posh girl ??

Dunno but her partner Eoin O’Brion is.
I heard the canvasser deliver that line and swiftly follow up with “not that there’s anything wrong with that”.

Kate posing for photos with Ivana earlier…