Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

I’d imagine they’ll all try to cover all areas but will concentrate more on boxes they’ve done well on before. They’ll also have access to who voted in the last election so that will influence which houses and roads get targeted more.

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Kate is a fucking dose ( pun intended )


SF were getting oul dears and disabled wheelchaired out of flats by volunteers to boost their vote. Will probably be the same again.
I wonder will the expected delay on the reopening have an impact on the FG vote.

Shows just how narrow-minded the ‘progressive’ Varadkar is. Vindictive nasty bastard, ideal FG material.

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Pascal Donohue, Si Harris and Leo Varadkar out canvassing in the Ringer just now

Harris is the head man.

Got my first Mannix leaflet in the door. Disappointingly it wasn’t just a black and white picture of his face on a minimalist background.

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Electoral pacts now.

FG are spooked.

Ted must have still been in his edgy, big man, big opinions, big personality days.

Stench of desperation of them.


Looks like a CAB raid


Si must hide from the sun.

Closest they’ll ever get to social housing


Would Geoghegan be hoping for a higher first preference vote there? Presumably Bacik would do much better on transfers from Sinn Fein etc.

Based upon that you’d have to say Bacik is in with a good chance. If she can stay that close to Geoghegan on First Prefs and clearly ahead of Sinn Fein then she’s got a good shot at over-taking him.

Not a great poll for the Shinners after going for a high-profile candidate.

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I presume it’s a survey of IT readers. In which case boylans number is huge

It’s about in line with 2020 election and opinion polls. Possibly hope for a bit better but it’s not a melt-down either

DBS Opinion Poll vs General Election 2020

Fine Gael 27% (28% in GE) - -1%
Labour 22% (8%) - +14%
Greens 11% (22% in GE) - -11%
Sinn Fein 13% (16% in GE) - -3%
Fianna Fail 10% (14% in GE) - -4%

So basically Bacik has potentially taken votes from across the left spectrum.