Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

There’s no way in hell I could even countenance voting for anyone in this government, broski.

Best wishes tomorrow, pal. I know that exercising your democratic right is something you’ve always cherished and will never take for granted.

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You mug

Mate the last thing you want is someone like @Horsebox going around telling people he’s voting Green.


I hold a lot of sway in Dublin Bay South I’ll have you know. I’m a bit of a big deal around here.

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All going down in Dublin Bay South.

Be mad not to have a nibble at the Green candidate and Geoghegan at those odds.

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What’s it all about???

If Kate is getting Gardai involved over that she needs to be charged with wasting police time ffs

How are the Belgian police getting on with their investigation into Ming’s hacking. Case seems to have gone cold.


That fella is such an oddball

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So voting for a Green candidate in a by-election in Dublin will save the planet? Unlikely.

It will mean Ireland will.do there fair share

Greens make a difference, look what Grace oSullivan did today

Kate O’Connell is such a ride


Is Eamon Ryan cycling around not enough?

She’s only bleedin’ gorgeous, so she is.

I think it was crazy to overlook her for this by-election, I’d rather see Bacik win than Geoghegan.