Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

She didn’t bother going for it.

I don’t have any sympathy for her. She had a golden opportunity but screwed it up. You can screw up in political parties, it happens all the time. But she dug in afterwards and made her own bed. Coveney should be one of her big backers but isn’t, it’s quite telling.

Will it take them long after polling booths close to have a figure on voting turnout?

Bacik seems to be the strong favourite but I remain skeptical. I think the lower the voter turnout, the more it potentially minimises her chance.

If Bacik tops the poll she should be a cert. Geoghegan probably needs a 5% first pref lead on Bacik to be able to beat the transfers.

I think Byrne is being dismissed very foolishly when the Greens did so well here last time about but it seems that the Greens have kind of agreed with FG here not run an aggressive campaign.

Boylan is just going to get eaten on transfers, this is one of the constituencies where the demograph is overwhelmingly affluent and comfortable. If her base is mobilised and the voter turnout is low she could make a difference.

Shinners were able to get a reformed FF man in last time by driving round the flats and methadone clinics and wheeling every warm body they could find into the polling stations. If they mobilise they are a threat.

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It will probably be easier to mobilise after last nights vote in the Dail to give the vulture funds more tax breaks. That vote could have a big impact on this election.

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Yeah but that’s a first four past the post. Different story when it’s a first past the post.

Their only hope is that there’s a seriously low turnout and they manage to mobilise their vote. They won’t transfer well. Will Bacik get the FF and Green transfers, I think she’ll do well enough on them to pip Geoghegan if their first preference votes are close.

Interpol have taken over - joint investigation with the pat/Davy Fitz abuse dossier




Si back in his suit after his ill fated experimentation with civilian wear @Bandage

Would agree with you on Byrne. Very good value at 25/1 and will be very transfer friendly. Still think the smart money will be on Geoghan to get home in the end.

He doesn’t look half as big there beside Pathcal who is a midget.

That black van is probably parked up there to shield them from the publicans

‘Tea time rush’



Imagine a system that has your most senior minister and future leader out canvassing like that. Paschal there too. Shocking.

Do you remember that last general election when FG for social media “viral content” purposes had Paschal turn up randomly at various points in the city at busy commuter times, stand on a box and preach about their achievements and policies?

Paschal’s soapbox:

Dizzy Paschal


It’s a pity someone didn’t break the soapbox over the lispy cunts head.

This Geoghegan lad is an aspiring TD… He looks like a fucking chugger, the cut of the cunt…

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That’s some YFG head not Geoghegan himself.