Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is an Aontu supporter. He has condemned IRA/SF as traitors on the Eire/Ulster unification issue and finds their support of abortion and various other social issue abhorrent.

There has been already.

Look at Gavan Reilly’s thing and go the tally tab. There’s also the graph below.

They need more women elected as tds. End of story. Kelly will be leader for a while you can be sure. Bacik will have to work very hard to retain that seat. It remains to be seen whether she has the ground game. Humphreys worked like a dog all over the place there.

Like Tyrone losing to Laois in 2006. A massive upset.

Oh to be a fly on the wall at next weeks parliamentary party meetings.

That’s not a vote count. That’s a nice coloured graphic of who topped polls. I’d like to see the numbers.

I’ve already pointed out it’s in Gavan Reilly’s spreadsheet in the tally tab.

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Those Labour numbers are impressive. Far from the permanent rejection by the electorate you called. Second only to SF, who still have their magic beans, and miles ahead of any other party. Thank you for proving my point.


How are they impressive with respect?

It’s clear Labour have won the vote of the affluent middle class here but their continued fall off in working class areas in very notable.

Boylan outpolled Back about 4:1 or 3:1 in working class areas.

Labour have an identity crisis now, a party who tries to model itself as left leaning and for the working class who are utterly rejected by the working class as they have enabled and enacted centre right policies whenever they have been in power.

Have they a candidate in a working class area now? Where do they go from here now? Is it on a basis of someone like Bacik where they bang a liberal, feminist drum in middle class areas?

They don’t seem to have any proper relatable candidates who will fight for constituents on issues like housing, health, workers rights. I would always have associated Labour with a working class urban vote but SF and PBP have demograph sewn up now.

I gave the like for the (He/Him) at the end.

Fantastic result for Bacik and Labour. Congratulations @Juhniallio.

I make it that support for the government parties fell from 64% at the last general election to 39% here.

FG - 28% to 26%
Greens - 22% to 8%
FF - 14% to 5%! :anguished:

SF unchanged at 16% and showing they still need to make inroads in middle class areas.

Bacik, as has been said, must have earned votes from disaffected FF & Green voters and across the board really in all parts of the constituency.

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Is this the most desperate thing you’ve ever seen?

Does he have a trust fund too?

Some disaffection and also just some higher profile loss. I called it for Bacik at the start of June. There was never a realistic chance for the Greens to get Ryan’s vote. The dreadful candidate selection by FF and FG sabotaged their chances.

Interesting to see that SF do with Boylan now. It was worth the risk for them but it’s really impossible for them to win a single seat race in that constituency.

5% in a by election will surely have the knives getting sharpened behind Mehole?

There’s a number of constituencies where SF have a second seat in Dublin next time out but Boylan is one of their candidates who might have a bit more appeal in a more affluent area. Would she be able to nick a seat in Rathdown next time out? They weren’t a million miles away last time around.

Where would Boylan’s natural constituency be?

This by election might get the pubs open

The numbers are impressive in a few ways. Firstly, Labour have hammered the shit out of every other party other than SF with the numbers you put up. That is excellent. Particularly of note there has to be the Soc Dem who would be a natural rival in terms of policy. You also have bizarre assertion that SF and PBP have the working class demographic sewn up. Again, the numbers you posted clearly contradict that. The PBP candidate barely posted double figures out of any boxes. The Labour vote there hammered that.
Secondly, Bacik has way outperformed the national average of support in the very demographic you say has permanently rejected Labour. Labour are usually 4% or so nationally. You say that this is a middle class vote. Or scraps from the FFG table. And yet in the working class demographic you claim they have lost, Bacik has performed incredibly well, anything from 10-20%. That’s impressive…
So if we believe that, as you suggest, Labour is indeed dead, then this poll was actually a personal vote for a truly inspirational candidate. That Ivana Bacik has captured the imagination of the axe in your head posse and given them hope.
But that would mean Bacik is an excellent candidate with a broad appeal to all the demographics in the entire constituency…
Given you opinions on Labour and your nasty spiteful attacks on Bacik I’m not sure which scenario would give me more pleasure…


First count expected at 3pm.

I’ve bad news for you mate. This has absolutely nothing to do with Labour