Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Goalposts anyone? Anyone seen the goalposts? They were here a while ago…

I think Jim is taking the piss here. :slight_smile:

Clear dig at his party leader there. Jim is playing a blinder.

It’s unreal how confused you seem here. The only person guilty of moving the goalposts here is you as your position is absolutely bizarre and you have continually failed to substantiate your contention

Let’s rewind to your first contention here. This is what you got offended by and have tried to contend:

When we discussed this we found my theory was right. Labour are roughly polling about 15% first pref in the working class areas, that’s just half of what they polled constituency wide?

You’ve claimed they’ve performed superbly in working class areas? It could not be further from the truth, they are getting about 1/3 or 1/4 of the working class vote SF are getting in these areas. You’ve been asked to substantiate these claims, you’ve failed to do so and just repeated baseless assertions and now gone in full spin mode claiming goalposts have moved because you have been found talking out of your hole

It was substantiated here that Labour’s worst performance across the entire constituency in working class areas - see below.

You are baselessly contending the evidence with nothing to support it.

That’s a fact. You contend it for a bizarre reason.

It’s excellent that their numbers in working class areas were about half of what they are getting in affluent areas? That seems to be the wrong way round, it’s their performance in middle class areas that has won them this.

Keep on digging though, you arrogance will always be your undoing.

I get that this is hard for you to take. Yes, I’m saying that the 6/7th biggest party in the state polling second highest in that demographic is a good performance. Especially when one party, the magic beans party, polled so highly there. I would regard it as the opposite of the permanent rejection you see it as. In a time when SF can do no wrong in the eyes of those voters, Labour got a between 12-25% in nearly all boxes. About 5 times their national average. The rejection you wish so hard for could be projected onto nearly any of the other parties, but not labour.
Bizarrely, you claim PBP have this graphic sewn up with SF! Have a look at the numbers. It’s barely family and friends level shit.

Jim wants in.

How is it good when they are meant to be a left leaning party and are only getting half of their overall constituency vote in working class areas. The problem in Labour is what is there identity now? Are they mainly a party that has to feed off scraps from the middle class, their success in this election is due to the shambolic campaign of FG where they have done fantastically in FG strongholds. In the working class areas they have performed poorly.

I said PBP have working class areas sewn up with SF. Look at the constituencies where PBP TDs come from and compare and contrast with Labour TDs. I have asked you numerous times a question you continue to dodge. What working class seats do Labour now hold? You might have the courage to give a go answering it now or you might to be too cowardly to contradict your contentions.

I think Jim would be the best candidate for FF leader but also think that he is very likely to lose his seat next time

O’Callaghan will get some shock when he tries to put together a front bench and realise that he has to deal with the talent vacuum and bunch of idiots that Martin somehow got into Govt.

FF do not have long left. They’ll die out along with their core voters.

FF are gone in Connacht/Ulster and Dublin and won’t be back.

They basically have a small base in the midlands and Munster now that will see them keep double figures for the time being.


So a different question entirely really? 5 times their national average vote in the inner city not good enough for you? Having been shown to be talking utter shite with regards to Labour’s performance in inner city DBS you’d now like to claim a cheap win talking about their overall appeal around the country? Yeah it’s not great at 4% or so but with strong candidates like Ivana who knows what the future holds. Anyway. Not today. I’m off to drink pink champagne.
Viva Ivana!


Wouldn’t completely agree with them disappearing in Connacht Ulster. They’ve lost their urban base but remain popular enough with farmers and the construction sector. McConalogue will keep one seat in Donegal here for the time being barring a shock.

I can’t see O’Callaghan appealing to a lot of conservative agrarian voters so they might shift to FG or, if that is too much of a leap for them, then they might jump to an Independent.

It’ll be interesting to see where how they cope with SF running second candidates in a lot of constituencies next time out.

You’re trying to argue something different to what I said. My point was on their terrible showing in working class areas which were previously their bread and butter. If you want to argue something entirely irrelevant that is your call but it’s you who is shifting the goalposts.

So I take it you can’t put forward a TD they have in a working class constituency. Labour are effectively a party with no identity. They have been emphatically rejected by the working class which were traditionally their bread and butter voting base. That is substantiated by facts and you continue to try and dodge that and continue to try and shift the focus elsewhere.

DBS is a very affluent constituency, one of the most affluent in the country, which is why they will do very little on a national scale going forward. What are Labour now? A party for the comfortable middles class battling it out for FFG scraps?

Labour never had much of a working class vote. They’ve always largely been champagne socialists in Eire. Fianna Fáil had the working class vote sewn up for 80 odd years until they ceded sovereignty to the IMF.


Will he?

I’d say that’s very doubtful. McConalogue only took the 5th seat last time around and SF had a 9k surplus with a quota of 13k.

Pringle might be the loser next time out but FF are dying badly. 1 seat in 5 in Donegal is poor. 1 seat in Sligo/Leitrim which I think will be under serious threat next time around, 0 in Roscommon, 2 in Cavan/Monaghan which will be under serious pressure too and likely to go, they have none in Louth which is another border region. 1 in Mayo, 1 in Galway.

7 out of 34 seats in Connacht/Ulster (and Louth) and only trending downward will tell you where FF are in Connacht/Ulster. I’d say they will be doing well to return 5 next time around in those constituencies.

McConalogue is a special case because he’s the TD for Innishowen. That might give him extra protection to buck any national trends.

IIRC he was the only new FF TD to be elected during their big meltdown a few terms ago. Now he’s not only a representative for Innishowen but he’s a representative for Innishowen with a real chance of being a Minister (even better chance is FF lose a few seats ironically). That’s huge. Imagine if you were caught up in the mica scandal thinking about that.