Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

I don’t the public ever felt the same way about Kate after they seen her give Claire Byrne a jab.


It appears her FG constituents considered her to be a bit of a bogger.

That’s it in a nutshell. She got elected in 2016 as the local party organisation threw its weight behind her to defeat Mrs Broadford and keep the 2nd seat that was won back in 2011. It was a carefully orchestrated vote management arrangement which Eoghan Murphy, the senior party figure on the 2016 election ticket bought into. What Kate doesn’t seem to grasp is that all her mouthing off and backing the wrong horse in the leadership contest in 2017 was political suicide. They’re a very refined lot, the Fine Gael organisation in Dublin Bay South.

I think O’Connell defecting to the Soc Dems and running in this by-election is definitely a possibility. I mean it’s hard to see her running again for a party whose “grass roots” used a piece of actual turf to try and humiliate her.

Be a good fit for both parties

You’d expect that in a by-election containing O’Connell (Soc Dem), Bacik (Labour), Chu (Green or IND) and possibly Boylan (SF), there would be a lot of transfers between them, enough to get one of them over the line.

Her accent is very common

It was a brilliant piece of vote management, difficult to repeat
My source (a former assistant of a former TD), therefore caveat loaded, claims Ms. O’ Connell was a lazy TD who didn’t put in the work so wasn’t surprised when she wasn’t reelected

She has a very deep voice, almost like a man.

Kate or Claire Byrne? Or both?

I have heard the same.

by that logic, murphy sholdve been out on his ear a long time before kate

I know, purely conjecture but the no backing from HQ added to the laziness might be factors

Might be enough old money in the constituency to thwart them.

2011 saw two Labour elected, Sleepy Eamon took the only left vote in 2016 and Andrews joined him in 2016. Will the inner city types and guilty middle classes show up en masse for a by-election?. The nondescript FF candidate might see establishment types rallying around the FG candidate.

Now that you mention it…

James could have given the shirt a rub of an iron.

He’s probably doing that on purpose to let people think he’s an ordinary type of chap who buys his shirts in a packet

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Harris is a weird looking fucker.


That’s a M&S special on Geoghegan there.

It’s a St. George’s Cross.