Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Belt buckle off to one side too. Too busy working for his constituents to straighten himself up a bit

Give a man in a hurry , busy man vibe . Substance over style like .

The tightest skinniest of skinny jeans would look like boot cuts on poor aul Si

Spray on skinny is the term you’re looking for :wink:

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The suit always looks about 3 sizes too big on him

Surely Jimbo should have had his shirt sleeves rolled up to show “he’s a doer/hard worker”

Si’s heavies should have bundled the beggar outside Spar out of shot.

Man of the people Jimbo probably headed into Louie for a snackbox after it.

Some pair of moobs on Si as well. He must be hitting the estrogen tablets hard.

Looks like s new one as right out if the plastic.

This lad was a founding member of Renua, specifically set up as an anti repeal political party.


he voted against the strand role cycle lane yet is touting the 15 minute city

Has your candidate been officially confirmed yet or internal procedures still to play out?

If he’d just say “I’ve changed my mind, I was wrong then”, he wouldn’t hear any more about it.

He’ll never do that though.

Wonderful political pivoting you’d have to say!

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Can’t believe they’ve binned off Kate for this mug. First the homeless pic and now this. But he’s got judges blood in his family so he’s alright.

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He seems a spectacular dullard

Bacik and Boylan look the two most likely challengers to Geoghegan. I think if Bacik gets ahead of Boylan, she could pick up the transfers to get her over the line.

Not so sure Boylan would.

theyre still chuing it over

I don’t believe that’s the case. Many of their members might have supported it but they had an open party position on it. That changed when Creighton left the party after failing to be re-elected in 2016, when he also left the party.

he would say that, wouldnt he