
The Gasometer was a landmark which could be seen for miles around. It was well visible from O’Connell Bridge. Or from the upper deck of the Hogan Stand. If you look at footage of matches at Croke Park up to 1993 you’ll see it clearly over the top of the Canal End Terrace when the camera shot pans out.


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It was rough as fuck down there in those days.

Good view of it here about 1.20 in.

Nice video of it being dismantled here:

Like Raqqa…hunted in packs too, did the pearse Street townies.

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@The_Dunph will be heartbroken

I’ve been in city centre twice in recent weeks - elephant and castle beside it has been full (while observing sd) when I passed.

I’d imagine they rely on yanks a lot more than your average restaurant

Thinly veiled “they sell overpriced shite that only tourists buy”


Bad news on sandymount

Where would be the best place to park closest to here tomorrow morning?

I’ve obviously no idea, something that I can stick into the Sat Nav & take me straight there. I don’t mind paying a few quid or whatever.

You’ll find on street parking in around there somewhere, there’ll be meters on the roads.

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Herzog park. Its behind AIB, loads of parking there. Its a 5 min walk.

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Spot on :+1:t2:

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You’d want your head examined to press that green button.

It could be riddled with COVID

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This great city is dead. The doctors have killed it.

When was it great?

I’m walking around Dublin in a hazmat suit pal.
There’s no fear of me.

The tide went out and Dublin was swimming naked I’m afraid. No tourists to fleece in Templebar now and no plan b