Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

He’s our hero
Gonna take the GP
Down to zero

The Greens will suffer in the short term but they’ll rebuild very quickly and next time round we’ll see a resurgence followed by a dip etc etc
But the Green agenda will never die and it’ll be a case of 3 steps forward and 2 steps back as they go from strength to strength in the long term


yes mate, you have your kids having a future

I get it that you dont want to change

Yep, they did what had to be done despite resistance from most other parties to move us towards net 0

cat got your tongue @MountLeinster

I got me coat on mate

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Hmmm. His ‘propensity’ to cover up and not be transparent?
The minister who finally gave adopted people in ireland the right to their own information after decades of inactivity by ffg? I’d say that’s the very opposite of covering up.


eh, TUM just reads twitter & regurgitates far right tropes - dont give him credence

We’ll see at the next election. He was caught out misleading people during referendum. Electing him as leader of Greens is an obvious own goal.

He was also the person who signed off on an abitrary 180
Days requirement for people to benefit under mother and child redress scheme so a person who spent 179 days in An institution gets nothing and is ignored.

Still seething I see.


Again you seem to be using words incorrectly. Arbtrary? Really? Was it not the length of time recommended to him by a government commisioned report?

Guys, it’s arbitrary.

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What is?

The spelling of arbitrary, isn’t arbitrary


A typo. I was pointing out that o gormans decision was actually the very opposite of arbitrary.
I did however enjoy your post.

Headbangers love to talk about ‘arbitrary’ things. Anybody would think they were a really laid back bunch :grinning:

Sure everything is arbitrary :man_shrugging:

So you believe everything is based on a personal whim or a random choice rather than some system or logic?

An Existential nihilist for leader of the party you support makes sense then.

Attacking a lad for making a typo while you yourself are making a typo in the same word is in tfk parlance - properly rattled.

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I wasnt attacking you for a typo. I was pointing out that your point was bollox. Roderic implrmented the 6 months as was recommended by a report iirc. Nothing arbitrary/arbtrary/abs/arbour hill about it. You suggested he picked the number out of his arse, which was just a lazy swing, and completely wrong. Whatever your opinions about ROG, he has been incredibly active and productive on the mother and baby homes type issues, introducing new legislation in the information and tracing bill, and providing counselling and the redress scheme. He was abused at every turn for it. And yet he proceeded because it was the right thing to do about one of the most shameful chapters in irish history. Nobody bar Zappone before him went near this issue. FFG washed their hands of it for years. Bertie absolved the church of all damages for fucks sake.
By all means swing at him for hiding legal advice or other things but on this issue he has been brilliant.